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Feedback & Reports

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N. P. from Cricklade

Friday 20 June 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Mostly Roach and small eels. One golden Rudd. Missed several carp feeding on the surface before finally hooking and losing one.
The pond is chocolate brown in colour with a noticeable amount of material floating on the surface.

40 Other


P. L. from Warwick

Friday 23 May 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

Weather conditions not good rained from 9am until 9pm water very coloured. Caught 3 carp between 12- 14lb numerous roach and rudd. All fish in beautiful condition, all caught on sweetcorn. Will return hopefully we will have better weather conditions and catch a few on surface baits.

1 Chub, 3 Other


J. D. from Pontypool

Thursday 15 May 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

Five reasonable carp between the two of us, float fishing with sweetcorn. Plus a bream, and assorted small rudd and roach. At least the cattle didn't notice us today! A nice small venue, that will probably fish well in the summer.

5 Other


K. S. from Bridgend

Sunday 11 May 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

Lovely lake. We were left alone in peaceful surroundings with just the cattle for company. We caught 4 small carp up until they completely switched off at around 2pm.

4 Other


J. D. from Pontypool

Wednesday 7 May 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

An attractive and easily accessible pool, but very shallow, much only a couple of feet deep. We were hampered by cool, overcast blustery weather but there was some visual evidence of fish movement. We caught three carp between us and lost another but bites were few and far between. Nothing outstanding but pristine fish. We also caught a few small roach and rudd. The young cattle were rather over inquisitive, you soon get to know the ring-leaders by the numbers on their ear tags!
However an enjoyable day out and we will revisit in warmer weather.

3 Other


J. B. from Cardiff

Sunday 13 April 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

Lovely venue, very pretty lake with easy access.
Fishing was a little slow but conditions were not ideal, clear skies with bright sunshine all day & a cold wind from the north.
Between us we managed 4 roach, 2 common carp of 8lb and 11lb and a 12lb mirror using ledger/cage feeder tactic with Corn & lobworm as hook bait.
I will definitely return to this lake soon.

6 Other


D. F. from London

Friday 25 October 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Amazing contrast to yesterday - rain and very strong wind. Fished further along by trees which afforded some protection. Some roach to corn. Groundbaited area with swim stim betaine green + micro pellets. First sign of a carp was big areas of the silty bottom being thrown up (it is very shallow). He finally got around to my single piece of corn and turned out to be 5lb common. I was expecting a beautiful untouched specimen but he looked like he'd gone 12 rounds in the local commercial - disfigured mouth, scales missing, a real bruiser. Surprising. Still, he gave a good fight. 20 mins later there was another who wandered in but he wasn't interested in my bait. Then the wind became almost gale force, so time to go. Perhaps worth another visit in summer to tempt the bigger ones.

10 Other


D. F. from London

Thursday 24 October 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

An oddly shaped but pretty lake which is very shallow. As others have mentioned, one bank is not accessible and there are plenty of areas where fishing is not possible. I set up in the bay nearest parking spot. Beautiful clear day. Feeder (hemp-based ground bait) with corn was pretty ineffective although a couple of small roach did take the bait eventually. Stalking the margins with meat/corn yielded nothing, although I imagine it's a great tactic in summer. Plenty of small roach to maggot under the rod tip but it only keeps you interested for a while. I agree there doesn't appear to be a great number of big fish here although it probably wasn't the best time of year to find out. A real change from the usual commercial with just the cattle for company. Great directions and service from the Foundation. I'm back tomorrow as well.

20 Other


G. S. from Leominster

Tuesday 3 September 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Spent the first two thirds of the session stalking carp with meat or trying to catch them on floating baits. Switched to float fished maggots later in the afternoon and caught about 35 roach, half a dozen rudd and a chub.

1 Chub, 40 Other


B. A. from Shropshire

Sunday 4 August 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Fished from afternoon until evening for carp using s/corn , l/meat, floating crust, without any luck. Casting to bubblers and to surface fish but they just weren't interested. Lots of fish showing on surface but only saw 1 fish take 1 of the many free offerings. Better luck next time maybe. Thanks to WUF for the easy booking service and for opening up venues such as this one.

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