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Feedback & Reports

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D. A. from Bristol

Monday 22 July 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

Floatfished bread and sweetcorn to take a good number of roach, rudd, chub and one common of 7.5lbs. The type of fishing we enjoy, you never could tell what the next fish would be and always in anticipation of it being another carp, the only one having come early on in the session.
It was a sweltering hot day but the bites came throughout. Plenty of carp showing on the surface.
We found this a very pleasant, well stocked lake and can't wait to come back.
Again the Foundation's service was exemplary.

5 Chub, 11 Other


T. O. from Hereford

Sunday 21 July 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Float fished sweetcorn. 2 roach, 1 rudd all in excellent condition. Carp present but not feeding during what was a very hot, bright day. Lovely venue, many thanks.

3 Other


G. J. E. from GWENT

Saturday 1 June 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Nil caught today. Plenty of fish seen though...evidence of the carp spawning which I will use as my excuse.


A. S. from Llandeilo

Monday 27 May 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

A very frustrating day - really really windy quite cold and the threat of heavy rain. Only one fish seen breaking the water - had absolutely no bites on the float or ledgering - went for a walk around the lake and saw some bubbles close in to the bank - dropped a bit of bread flake into the water and boom - float gone and hooked into a large fish. After a great fight managed to land it - pristine 13 pound common carp. Almost made the day worth it but overall a very disappointing session due to the combination of poor weather and little action. I love the location though and will definitely be coming back for a third attempt!

1 Other


D. T. from Birmingham

Saturday 25 May 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

Second visit to the pool. On the first, though my brother and I caught nothing, we did observe a number of carp feeding avidly upon our arrival, though this seemed to end quite quickly with our presence.
With this in mind, planned an early start this time and arrived at around 7.00am. Took a stalking rod and went along the pool; given the somewhat cold overnight temperature it was not surprising that I saw very little activity for an hour or so.
Eventually found carp bubbling, cast to them, after a short while the float slid away and I hooked something that went off like a scalded cat, stripping about 30 yards of line off the centrepin! After an interesting fight in the shallow water, I netted a Common that I estimated to be about 8/9lb.
As the day progressed and warmed somewhat, a number of carp were seen cruising on or just below the surface and at one point I had a group of three fish taking floaters, though very spasmodically. As one of the other anglers who has previously visited the pool commented, I don't think that there is a massive haed of carp in the pool, though given the number of places they can take refuge that might be a dangerous assertion to make. During the day there was a fair amount of activity along the far bank, particularly in the corner, to the left of what I take to be the monk and I also watched one or two fish moving slowly under the overhanging branches of trees on the island. There were a few intermittent flurries of activity at the back of the island, which could have been fish trying to spawn.
My brother fished a small method feeder, across on the far bank where we had seen carp activity and had a 3lb bream mid-afternoon.
Like so many WUF waters this is another venue that affords visitors the ultimate in peace and tranquility - though the main road runs quite close to the estate,you pretty quickly find that the traffic becomes insignificant.

2 Other


D. C. from Fleet

Sunday 19 May 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Only three carp crashed on the surface all day (tight to the unfishable opposite bank), and only two other carp seen cruising around just below the surface. No bites or any feeding activity seen, despite warm day and perfect viewing conditions. There appears to be very few carp in this shallow lake, and not being able to fish one whole bank is a big disadvantage. Nice place to spend a day though.


M. M. from Abergavenny

Thursday 16 May 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

One carp hooked (and lost!) all day, lovely setting but stocking level looks low. Good conditions but only a handful of carp seen all day.
Suggest the WUF consider boosting stock levels which would justify the day ticket price and ensure repeat bookings.


G. J. E. from GWENT

Monday 6 May 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

lovely morning session for 2 pristine common carp of 13lb 4oz and 12lb 8oz. Looks like the lake has finally woken up with the better weather this weekend.

2 Other


G. D. from Clevedon

Wednesday 1 May 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Nice setting, no fish caught.


G. D. from Clevedon

Wednesday 24 April 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Nice location, nothing seen, nothing caught.

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