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Feedback & Reports

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A. D. from Nailsea

Sunday 7 April 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Same as yesterday, still a bit early. Nil caught or seen.


A. D. from Nailsea

Saturday 6 April 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Nice venue, the water was clouded because of recent weather. Probably a bit early in the season for an estate lake and as such, nil caught nil seen.


D. B. from Cliffords Mesne

Tuesday 16 October 2012 (12 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:2

One blank rod (me!) and one 13lb 4oz margin-caught common carp from the second rod. Very windy and relatively cold for most of the day. The fish caught involved a lot of walking and stalking and was one of two margin fish seen between 8.15am and 4.00pm. One or two smaller fish jumped in the main area of the lake during the afternoon but those apart - not much fish action. An attractive Stillwater but definitely a challenging one.


G. E. from tredegar

Monday 10 September 2012 (12 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Too windy to do what I really wanted to do today which was floater fish for carp. Plenty of roach and perch on the float though and a lovely golden rudd.


S. W. from Walsall

Tuesday 4 September 2012 (12 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:3

Classic estate lake fishing. Very shallow in the margins, maximum depth we found was under the Oaks but didn't plumb the far side so may be deeper holes. Carp there in numbers, hooked 3 margin fishing, landed one beautiful mirror of 15lbs, lost the other 2 in 10inches of water as they bolted at close range. Numerous Roach, Rudd, Chub, Perch and Eels later in the day when the carp had retreated under the trees. Had hoped to surface fish but a strong wind blew directly up the lake and made presentation impossible.
60 percent of bank not accessible so when carp followed the wind made it impossible to reach them as I was only float fishing.
Another great venue, didn't see another soul all day, will be back to try again.
Thanks to WUF for making these great venues available.


G. E. from Tredegar

Monday 3 September 2012 (12 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Very Hot day on this lovely lake. Spent the day surface fishing to finally bank an 8lb common carp. I wont tell you about the ones I lost, its emabaressing!


G. E. from Tredegar

Wednesday 22 August 2012 (12 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Enjoyable if not tiring day on an exellent venue. Caught plenty of roach, rudd and perch on the float. The carp outwitted me though, I lost three decent size fish off the surface in the evening.
Many thanks again to the WUF for making such a lovely secluded lake like this available.


G. E. from Tredegar

Wednesday 22 August 2012 (12 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

A lovely if not tiring day on a lovely venue. Plenty of Roach, Rudd, Chub and Perch caught on the float. The day was somewhat frustrating though by the fact that I couldn't get any Carp to the net.( I lost three )
Didnt see a soul all day, perfect many thanks again to the WUF.


A. F. from Ross on Wye

Saturday 18 August 2012 (12 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Baited up an area along a reed bank with hemp and corn, landed 4 bream of around 4/5lbs on corn and half a dozen roach on the maggot. Hooked into something decent following these roach but the fight was all under the rod tip - eel. And another, and another, and another. Couldn't get a bite back on corn so switched to roving.

Casting worms at clouding and bubblers in the margin I banked 3 common carp to around 12lbs. Fought like nothing else on 4lb line and a 12ft Avon. Come evening I flicked a few floaters out and had a couple of nice fish appeared, with backs out of the water. Using a controller float I got right in amongst them and after 30 minutes of them nudging the float and bait, one opened it's mouth properly. A good 10 minute scrap put a pristine common carp in the net. It weighed exactly 22lbs. Amazing fight, amazing fish. Was happy there but they were still feeding so had a recast, had a take fairly quickly but lost the fish on a big lunge at range - seemed a good fish again, but they always do when they come off! Great venue, would recommend it to anyone.


G. S. from Herefordshire

Thursday 9 August 2012 (12 years ago)


Beat:Trelough Pool


No. of Anglers:1

Lots of Roach, rudd, small chub, 2 perch and 3 eels on float. 14 1/4lb, 12 1/4lb & 12lb common carp caught on floated crust later in the day.

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