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Feedback & Reports

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P. I. from Steyning

Tuesday 27 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:1

1 Barbel, 15 Chub


D. M. from Cheltenham

Monday 26 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:1

River fairly low still but some colour. Very few swims fishable, decent trek over the hill


B. S. from Tenbury Wells

Saturday 24 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:2

Everything seemed in place for a great days fishing , river levels up , nice chocolate colour, slightly overcast and the temperature perfectly mild . We were feeling more than confident. Our confidence gradually turned into frustration as we realised it was going to be a tough day , waiting and waiting with no signs of any activity,
We were prepared to write the day off , what a contrast from my last visit only a month ago , when the conditions were a complete opposite.
But as the evening came to a close the fish took pity on us and our rods came alive with some last minute action which lifted our spirits.
A very testing day but a blank avoided.

2 Barbel, 1 Chub


T. H. from Norwich

Friday 23 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:1

Lovely afternoon and evening on the wonderful Wye. Canoe traffic and very bright/sunny conditions made the afternoon hard going. As others have said, dusk made all the difference. All fish came to large, hair rigged pellet variations and feeder tactics. Unfortunately lost several fish due to hook pulls but that's life.

Once again a fantastic time fishing the Wye and makes the travel worthwhile. Can't wait to return.

1 Barbel, 3 Chub


R. R. from Bridgend

Wednesday 21 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:2

Very similar story to return submitted about a fortnight ago. Low, fairly clear and slack water, with some sunny intervals throughout day. Bit more breezy. Line and feeder in water by 7am. Knocks and one missed wrap in first two hours, but nothing banked. Trotted corn for an hour about 10, two Dace caught. Back on feeders and ledgered pellet in afternoon, one small Chub (2lb), brought in.

First Barbel (6lb) around 3pm, and then things picked up considerably. Couple of decent Chub (great fighting 4lb fish in superb condition) and then a lovely 8lb Barbel, that fought like a tiger. Two decent fish lost through line breaks.
If ledgering, be prepared to lose gear. When you find a clear bed, stick to it! Roving about and experimenting can be costly and frustrating. Several large Salmon splashing about.

Pegs not in woods seem to be late in the day ones. Great stretch of river.

2 Barbel, 3 Chub, 2 Other


J. W. from Stalybridge

Tuesday 20 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:1

float fished pellets

2 Barbel, 2 Chub


R. D. from Hillingdon

Tuesday 20 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:2

Low water many chub wet weather

1 Barbel, 30 Chub


P. I. from Steyning

Sunday 18 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:1

4 Dace

1 Barbel, 25 Chub, 4 Other


J. L. from Witney

Saturday 17 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:1

Had a great day at Fownhope. Fished on one of the swims through the woods, the path has become even more treacherous than it since the last time I fished there.
The chub were relentless for most of the day, mostly a good size, between 3-5lbs. Had one barbel in the morning around 9am, the other three came after 4pm smallest around 6lbs the largest a touch over 8lbs. All caught on feeder and soft halibut hookers on a hair rig.
Only fished one rod at a time. As I said a great day’s fishing, I’ll be back soon!

4 Barbel, 30 Chub


R. R. from Bridgend

Friday 9 August 2024 (7 months ago)

Area:Middle Wye

Beat:Fownhope 5


No. of Anglers:2

Low, slack water. Some colour, but pretty clear to depth of 3ft. Good conditions. First line in at 7.15am, ledgered pellet. Knocks but nothing really positive till 10.30 when wrap and run saw fish head into weed and rocks, where it was lost. Frustrating morning. A few feeders lost on snags
At noon things perked up, with a good 8.5lb Barbel, taken on ledgered pellet.
Transfer over to float (corn,, hemp and meat) saw several small Chub and big Dace accounted for, with a large Perch lost (on corn!) but by 2. 30pm, action died down . Water noticeably warmer. Ledgered meat brought tentative bites, but nothing connected.
6 till 9 brought significant change. Initially some decent Chub (up to 4lb) landed, at at last, a trio of Barbel (6,6,5). All fish in good condition. Largest Barbel had noticeable hump in back. Action came in waves. Almost as if switch flicked. Good sport.
Dusk was the trigger time. As others have commented elsewhere, it seems to make the Barbel bolder, and Chub get edged out.
Hard work and perseverance required. The last 3 hours, turned it into a memorable day.

4 Barbel, 12 Chub, 6 Other

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