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A. T. from Llangefni

Monday 24 June 2019 (5 years ago)


Beat:Cefni Reservoir - Bank FishingTickets

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

Cefni Catch Report week ending 25th June
As we approach the end of June, with longer evenings allowing plenty of fishing time some serious number of hatching insects can be seen. Catch returns continue to grow, with a good number of bags recorded by both visiting anglers and regulars.

Both bank and boat anglers are equally matched, while the fish seem to be moving across the lake, which is typical for this time of year. Temperatures continue to be mixed but good sport on dry fly has been had by some. Floating lines or lighter intermediates seem to be working well when the fish seem to be higher up in the water.

Traditional wets continue to take a lot of fish, with Invicta’s, sedges, bumbles mimicking most of the insect life fished in a wave or slight cross wind proving fruitful. Most lures and nymphing tactics continue throughout to be deadly this time of year also. Also evident is the amount of fry in and around the banks so possible tactics should be a fry imitation for some of the bigger fish. The fish quality continues with some excellent bags recorded with the average per angler around the 5 fish.

The Brown trout continue to be of excellent quality, some very good specimens have been caught lately. I would also encourage anglers to continue with the scale sampling when killing fish. Details can be found in the hut, with the research being carried out could shed some light on the fish growth within the lake both the native browns and stocked rainbows.

The working party have been working hard clearing paths and trying to clear weed which, is evident. Please try if you can to help and support any events held, this is also a great time for newer members to introduce themselves and gain valuable knowledge on the lake. There’s usually a cake and cup of tea after which is always welcome.

The Chairman’s Cup will be held this Saturday June 29th, fishing 6:00pm-10:30pm unless stated otherwise and all are welcome.

Tight Lines
A Thomas


A. T.

Sunday 9 June 2019 (5 years ago)


Beat:Cefni Reservoir - Bank FishingTickets

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

Cefni Catch Report week ending 9th June
June is by far one of the better months to fish the Lake with insect life is booming and
the fish will have had everything thrown at them by now making them a little more shy and will have seen all manner of flies passing by.
It’s a very good time to target the larger fish which will no doubt be looking up, so floating lines should be the norm coupled with dries would be well worth a cast.
However, the change of weather certainly makes us think that summer has been and gone.
With temperatures in the single figures and cold easterly winds, the fishing has been challenging.
Also apparent is the change of wind direction on a daily basis at the lake so productive areas one day may be baron the next.
Never the less good catches are reported in the returns. Flies, lines and areas seem to be mixed.
Traditional wets like Dabblers, Invicta, Bumbles etc on slow intermediate lines seem to be taking fish together with the standard lures and nymphs along with dries seem to be working well, with fish pretty much scattered across the lake.
The fish quality continues with some excellent bags recorded with the average per angler around the 4 fish.
The annual comp was fished on Saturday the 8th which saw 12 fishing with 34 fish caught.
Elfed jones finished 3rd, Rhys Edwards took first place for 6 fish at 7lb 8oz and myself coming 2nd with 4 fish for 5lb 10 0z.
The junior competition was also held on the same evening and all did extremely well.
Cai Roberts took 3rd place, Kyle Williams 2nd and 1st to Aron Jones very well done to you all.
Please watch the Facebook page for updates on working parties, as many hands make light work.
Tight Lines
A Thomas

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