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A. T. from Nailsworth

Saturday 18 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery


No. of Anglers:1

River still holding a bit of colour in the morning but still ok for the fly and by the evening it looked almost perfect and had dropped back to about two feet. Two fish seen and very brief contact made with one, half a dozen trout.


A. B. from Bristol

Friday 17 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery


No. of Anglers:1

Great to be back on the river again. One salmon seen head and tailing in Gravel catch early on. Alas no salmon and no takes. River too coloured for most of the day for fly. But a most enjoyable day none-the-less.

1 Trout


S. E. from Abergavenny

Friday 17 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery


No. of Anglers:1

11lbs slightly coloured fish from the very top of the Rock pool with the river running at 2ft 7" and 4ft vis. Saw another in the Bridge pool. Wading line on the bridge pool has shallowed and I got though it with 6" of freeboard. Turning back to get out at the 2nd access after fishing past the stones was a bit of a struggle against the force of water.

1 Salmon


B. J. from Aberystwyth

Tuesday 14 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery


No. of Anglers:1

No salmon caught or seen.


B. J. from Aberystwyth

Monday 13 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery


No. of Anglers:1

no salmon caught or seen


D. H. from London

Wednesday 8 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery


No. of Anglers:1

1 Parr, no Salmon. River running very low, with wind getting a bit gusty. Still a great place to spend the day.


R. P. from Chichester

Saturday 4 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:2

Trout - Mainly GRHE - 6 x 5inch, 6 x 5-7inch, 2 x 8-10inch and 1 x 11-13inch.
Grayling - GRHE & Czech nymph - 1 x 8-10inch and 1 x 11-13inch.

15 Trout, 2 Grayling


P. H. from Erwood

Friday 3 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery


No. of Anglers:1

Blank I fear, but a pleasant evening on the river.


G. W. from Surrey

Thursday 2 May 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Caught 5 trout to half pound on a bead head under a dry and to a dark olive Klink pattern, finally the fish seemed to have started to rise to the Dark Olives and Grannom (light but steady hatch of both from 11:00) too after 3 quiet days.
Fished 10:30-15:00, very hot, very bright.

5 Trout, 1 Grayling


G. W. from Surrey

Monday 29 April 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:The Rectory Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

17:30h Evening session only. Limited rise to grannom, took a fingerling on a beadhead under a klink just above the bridge
Cold wind suppressed hatch and rise.

1 Trout

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