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Feedback & Reports

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B. P. from Pembridge

Saturday 8 July 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

15 Trout


J. A. from Rhayader

Thursday 6 July 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

Was lovely heading to an old favourite ..... went with a fishing buddy of mine from Rhayader , Mac . He used one of his Prince Albert permits for todays fishing .... Got there nice and early ... I think around eightish .... maybe a bit before .... Overcast and initially a lovely South westerly ripple ti start thr day .... ohhhhhh yes ... fantastic ... we tackled up , and I opted for a team of two and some of my favourites for Bugeilyn !.... we both started on the bank past the boathouse as the wind was then coming from our left shoulders... however, later in the day it picked up and changed direction to a more Southerly strong wind !!
Sport was fabulous , as is the case here, when you get the retrieve and fly right .... .... JD did mention in his last report about the Size of the fish ... good strong ten to twelve inch beauties .... I think in a tally of 24 I only had seven small fish ..... lovely markings too on the typical Bugeilyn brownies ......
Midday, three other chaps, who booked late with the Passport turned up and not sure how they did as they worked the Christmas tree bank ..... which incidentally is growing nicely ... last time I came here which is over two years it seemed about shoulder height ..... well, its certainly doing OK now, must be six foot, maybe more !!!
The track down isn't bad at all, although you can already see where the scalping are being washed away by run off .... but it's certainly manageable with a higher truck ...
One gripe , well its not really a gripe, more a concern .. the Nuphar, or brandy bottle lillies are sort of taking over here .... and spreading out rapidly.... lots of the opposite bank not approachable now .... could do with a thin out ...before it gets out of control ....WUF COULD YOU PASS THIS ON AS A CONCERN TO THE OWNER .....
Anyway , twas a superb day in the hills .... total fun !! Lots of brownies too .... just ring the changes till you start getting takes.... simples !! An excellent day and one to remember ..... we both agreed that its a nice change from our Elan valley and Claerwen waters !!!
Will head here again soon ....back home and a bottle of Old Speckled Hen me thinks ...... sorted !!!! Lol !!

24 Trout


L. S. from Winchester

Thursday 6 July 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:3

Great Day fishing on a overcast windy day on llyn bugeilyn
fishing was on floating lines with a team of hoppers, bibio's just under the surface fished quite fast
the wind was an issue so kept having to move to keep on the fish
loads of missed fish as takes where fast
fish were fin perfect and 2 larger browns to about 14oz

17 Trout


J. D. from Newcastle

Saturday 1 July 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

Great to be back here, setting and the fishing fabulous as ever. Might just be fluke, but the balance of the trout population seemed to have shifted, I wonder why. The classic Bugeilyn fish used to be a dark, vicious six incher, but today's bag was almost entirely more colourful fish in the 9-10 inch range, as pictured. Maybe the strong west wind and overcast skies just brought more of the bigger fish onto the feed, but still surprised by absence of little fish.

20 Trout


A. G. from Bognor Regis

Thursday 18 May 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

Always great to get back up here for a session on these cracking fish, arrived early to find a very light wind blowing across from the Christmas tree bank, fished the opposite side & picked up a couple each, but the wind wasn't to easy on us. Moved round to the Christmas tree bank & had a really good spell got another 15 fish between us before retiring for lunch. Picked up in the same spot after lunch & caught another 10 between us, finished the day on 29 fish, really great conditioned & well coloured fish, & they were a bit larger than the usual average here, so a great day's sport, & hopefully be back soon for some more, a mix of small drys & traditional wets did the business.

29 Trout


A. M. from Worcester

Tuesday 2 May 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

Arrived at about 9am to a nice South Easterly wind blowing from the far end of the lake to the boat house. Weather during the day was dry with intermittent cloud cover with the occasional fish rising. Around 35 fish landed between the 2 of us with a couple of fish in the 10 to 12 inch size. Fish mainly caught on Black Bibio Hopper, Silver Invicta and Black Pearly Nymph.

Great first day out of the new trout season.

35 Trout


N. B. from Presteigne

Friday 7 April 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

First opening of the year ,went to my favourite place , on arrival we came to the llyn with very little ripple . clear blue skys and a cold east breeze,so not good fishing conditions , we casted all day tried every fly know to man , with no luck
Highlight of the day ,I had a great view of cadar Idris mountain


D. Y. from Ludlow

Thursday 29 September 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

Excellent day even though we only caught 1 fish. Beautifull setting and so secluded.
Many thanks

1 Trout


M. D. from CARDIFF

Tuesday 27 September 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

Heavy rain , cold and windy . Fishing was , to say the least difficult . We will be back in better weather.

2 Trout


N. B. from Presteigne

Sunday 25 September 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

4 Trout

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