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Feedback & Reports

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J. D. from Caldy

Thursday 21 July 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

Difficult day! Fish very uncooperative!
Not helped by finding the number for the padlock on the gate has changed but your office found the new one for which thanks.

Fishing Passport Note : Apologies for the inconvenience. The code had changed without our knowledge. Glad it was all sorted in the end.

8 Trout


C. N. from Bognor Regis

Friday 15 July 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

Very scenic and remote, perfect fishing, not easy but rewarding, fished all round and caught on lee and windward shores and in bays at both ends

15 Trout


T. J. from Leominster

Thursday 14 July 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:4

Lovely dry day but surprisingly cool and strong west wind. Very little surface action but enough to keep us interested. Only 12 fish landed[all returned] but several lost and missed.
Black Pennell favourite.

Great place to spend a day.

12 Trout



Friday 1 July 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

Another lovely day at the lake. A big hatch of small, dark, upwing flies at 3pm had the water boiling with rising and jumping trout. A big red sedge dry fly did the trick on a number of occasions. Mallard and Claret and Sedgeshog wet flies also productive.

14 Trout


S. J. from Warwickshire

Thursday 16 June 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

The drive into Wales showed up how dry it has been with little water in the rivers and the upland streams completely dry.
As always, the approach is spectacular
We arrived about mid day to low 20's C, a light westerly breeze and hazy sunshine. When ever the breeze dropped fish started to rise, most out of cast in the middle of the Lyn. Six 1/2lb fish were caught on a foam beetle, at least one of the party being sufficiently awake to spot numbers of beetles hurling themselves into the water. The best fish, a lovely 14 inch was caught on a pale Deer's hair sedge pulled through the wind ripple and the other two on a Klink.
On the evidence of today there are lots of fish in this Lyn.
Also noted was the need for care, next time I will take some personal buoyancy as some of the drop offs are sudden & slippery with no hope of getting out if you fall in and with wetter conditions much of the Lyn margin would be quaking bog. The Lodge at Stayliitle is excellent and very good value.

9 Trout


S. J. from Solihull

Thursday 16 June 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

see previous report for 16/06


I. C. from Gloucestershire

Wednesday 15 June 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

Very enjoyable days fishing, plenty of beetles on the water so following advice from another angler who was fishing there as well I put on a brown coloured beetle fly fished on top and sometimes and just under the surface and caught at least 20 fish, lost a few and missed plenty of takes. Saw a Osprey hovering then diving into the llyn and failing to catch.

20 Trout



Sunday 5 June 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

Cold,wet and windy all day. Fished weighted hares ear on the point and bibio dropper. Most fish took the hares ear nymph.

9 Trout


M. C. from Tarporley

Saturday 4 June 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:2

We enjoyed our first trip to Bugeilyn. The track was easily passable with a 4x4 (and I would imagine most cars with decent ground clearance), the banks weren't too boggy, and the wading was fairly safe. The weather was very cold, very windy, and often very wet. We eventually found fish towards the top of the lake, with a decent number rising as the weather warmed up in the early afternoon. A couple of fish came to cormorants, but the others all fell to bushy dries that were pulled through the waves. They didn't seem that interested in static dries at all. Stunning little fish with beautiful red spots. Even managed a double hook up.

8 Trout


S. J. from Solihull

Friday 3 June 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Upland Llyns

Beat:Llyn Bugeilyn

Fishing:Trout (Stillwater)

No. of Anglers:1

Lovely day but fairly bright & wind. A couple of short periods of fish rising, caught a good 12-14in on a sparkly Klink on edge of riffle. Several takes on dries which did not connect . As the wind got up the rises stopped. The other a 8-10in on a black copper john .

20 Trout

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