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Feedback & Reports

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S. H. from Chepstow

Thursday 15 August 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

Fly fishing for salmon. Caught 22" chub in very good condition, safely returned.

1 Chub


B. G. from Taunton

Wednesday 7 August 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

An early start as we wanted to be on river for 1st light. the beat could benefit with some signs for anglers as even when following beat directions, not too clear on parking spaces. Once all parked up, off to the river. Water was very coloured and obviously much higher than has been from previous reports and the flow was extremely fast. Not to be put off we set up and tried our luck. Firstly fishing from swim under Vaga Cottage. Between the 2 of us we had quite a few knocks, lost fish but none landed. We then moved down the beat and tried a couple of different swims. Again plenty of knocks, and a lot of lost fish. Finally success was had and I landed my first ever river barbel on first ever barbel fishing trip and after a good fight landed a nice 7lb 2oz wye barbel. More knocks followed and then landed an eel at approx 1.5lb. We had plenty of action but unfortunately the fish got the better of us as we continually lost them or they snagged us by bolting straight to the fast flow. The majority of our action came as the river level started to decrease and by the time we left the level had dropped by 12 - 18 inches easily. Very hard and trying conditions due to the swell and colour of the river and as it being our first ever barbel venture but a great day. Unable to see runs due to colour and flow but still managed to get plenty of knocks even though it was hard to stay on the bottom due to flow, even with a 3oz cage feeder. Method used all day was alternating cage feeder/straight ledger, with hair rigged baits. Tried different types of pellets but the bait set up giving us our knocks was spicy sausage with corn cage feeder with halibut method mix and halibut pellets. Strange combination but this gave us all our action. The cage feeder created a cloud with a burst of 4mm feed pellets and whether it was the visual of the corn in the conditions or the smell of the sausage we dont know but probably a combination as individually those baits got no action. Late afternoon early evening tried Vaga again as water level had dropped and action started. Firstly with an eel of around 2lb, then missed barbel bites. Would loved to have stayed just a little longer as the area downstream of the island was coming alive. Take plenty of end tackle as all swims we fished were very snaggy and fish were breaking us up on 10lb hook lengths when they bolted for the fast water. The beat would benefit from the swims possibly being made a little more fishermen friendly but saying that we had a cracking day which tested our abilities on something we never done before.

1 Barbel, 2 Other


G. W. from Milton Ernest

Monday 5 August 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

We originally booked Perryhill but a combination of heavy rain, access issues and dodgy knees meant we chickened out and booked Wyastone Leys instead. This was the first time I'd seen this beat in the summer, having only previously fished there in March. We fished the faster swims at the top end of the beat - a bit of a struggle really, possibly because the river was just starting to rise after the heavy rain. However we managed to eke out a Barbel and 3 Chub. One of the Chub was a absolute clonker at 5lbs 10oz. Finished early at around 6pm.

1 Barbel, 3 Chub


N. T.

Saturday 3 August 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

River low but fresh. Both barbel taken on pellet.

2 Barbel


G. J. from Merthyr Tydfil

Thursday 1 August 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

Started promisingly enough at 5pm with interest every cast on meat until 2 boatloads of idiots came through and decided to start their outboard motors in my swim while shouting to me.
Went quiet for a while after that but we did have 1 barbel each circa 5 and 6 pounds, neither was weighed. 1 on pellet, 1 on meat. I also lost 2 to snags (along with seven 12lb GT80 hooklinks!) and one other to a hook pull. A bit snaggy but a pleasant beat to fish.
We had the usual brainless hire kayakers who either don't care or simply can't control the things come in close once or twice but we didn't start til 5m so thankfully missed most of them. We simply reel in or dip the rods but unless something is done to increase angler awareness amongst the hire fraternity I can see some ugly scenes developing which will ultimately impact WUF and the fantastic fishing they've made accessible.
Not even my usual method of sitting there sharpening my machete kept the hirelings away! As usual the privateers were courteous and considerate...well, except the guys with the Outboards.
All in all we were happy to catch seeing as it was 29 degrees with bright sunshine on arrival. Thanks WUF, an enjoyable evening :-)
A last word to anyone staying til last gets DARK under those trees!

2 Barbel


S. G. from Chesterfield

Tuesday 30 July 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:4

First time on this beat and really liked it. Would certainly return, hopefully when conditions are more favourable. All the fish were caught from the swims down stream of the rocks. The largest barbel, a stunning fish weighing 9lb 10oz. The barbel are long, lean and stong!

8 Barbel, 3 Chub, 3 Other


T. H. from Kent

Sunday 28 July 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:3

All fish taken in run off to Boys Rock. Walked remainder of beat but very few swims in very shallow water. In these conditions, ideal for 1 or 2 anglers. First time on this beat so was pleased to find good directions and access. Owner popped in to say hello which is always a nice touch.

9 Barbel


R. E. from Woking

Wednesday 24 July 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

Tough day all round. Nothing caught, not even a bite. Weather conditions (hot) and low water levels made it hard going.


J. D. from Tewkesbury

Friday 19 July 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

Great day had by me and my mate. 10 barbel between us although 9 were to him. Please be careful returning these fish as they are struggling at the moment with the low oxygen levels. I had to spend 20mins with one up to my waist in the water to make sure she was okay. Great stretch of river but be prepared to fight your way to swims.


C. E. from Cambridge

Thursday 18 July 2013 (11 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

Another scorcher of a day so didn't start till 4pm and managed to winkle out a few barbs early on then went very quiet with just the chub nibbling. Fished off the rocks bit and lady in house said we should use a different footpath - not exactly obvious and would appear to involve wading rather than rock hopping!

3 Barbel, 1 Chub

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