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Feedback & Reports

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V. C. R. L. P. D. from Kent

Sunday 16 September 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:3

Slow start apart from nice 5lb 6oz chub mid afternoon but at 5pm barbel came on the feed to pellet. 10 barbel between 5lbs and 7lbs 12oz made the afternoon a very enjoyable session. Well worth the visit despite only a few swims being accessible.



Saturday 15 September 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

Once again river still very low and clear, another hot, bright day, again making fishing difficult. We fished the upper swims, eventually finding some fish in the 'tree' swim. We lost a couple and landed 1 barbel, about 6lbs and 1 chubb, lots of streamer weed making it very snaggy.


J. C. from Abingdon

Friday 14 September 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

Access was fine, directions easy to follow. Very short walk to first swim by the power lines. Having read the reports here, I was very pleased to find it free, then again I was the only rod booked on! Again, based on reports here I started by fishing the middle of the river to avoid the nearbank tackle graveyard. One hour in, no bites (started at 1pm btw). After an hour, I messed up a cast and it only went about a third of the way out. Best mistake I've ever made, as my hair-rigged sweetcorn fished beneath a feeder full of pellets and ground bait was snaffled, a barbel of 6.12 turned out to be the culprit. Nine of his mates followed at regular intervals throughout the afternoon. I didn't lose any tackle to snags, though a couple of fish got away by snapping my 10lb mono hook length. All in all, the best days fishing I've ever had. Thanks v. much WUF, superb fishing in superb surroundings with superb service. Fish took sweetcorn, Sonu s-pellets - never tried meat, didn't feel the need. So ten barbel between 5 pounds and 8 pounds. Wonderful.


J. C. from Abingdon

Friday 14 September 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

My first visit to any WUF water and a very successful one. Directions to the fishery were great and luckily I seemed to be the only angler present that day. Arriving at 1pm and having read the catch reports here, I'd already made my mind up to fish the Powerlines swim. To begin with I fished a groundbait feeder with hair-rigged corn in to the middle of the river (as I'd taken note of the "tackle graveyard" comments previously posted). I was biteless for an hour or so and around this point I made a bit of a hash of a cast, which ended up only going about a third of the way out. A lucky mistake on my part because five minutes later I was attached to the first barbel of the day, which I landed at 6.12lbs. Nine further barbel followed (all from the same spot) and three were lost. Sweetcorn and two different sizes of hair-rigged soft pellets all caught fish. In fact, I would reccomend switching hookbaits regualrly as this often seemed to bring a bite. Didn't try meat as I never seemed to have enough time to get the tin open! However, I didn't really have any issues with tackle loss? Anyway, a real red-letter day - my heartfelt thanks to all at WUF for making this possible, the entire process (booking, directions etc) was excellent.


A. H. from Middlesbrough

Thursday 13 September 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

Very Sunny but with a cool strong breeze. River low and clear. We fished the run off from Boys Rock at the top of the stretch. P D caught 2 Barbel 5lb and 6.5lb on feeder and pellet. Some of the swims are very snaggy and a lot of tackle was lost as a result.


J. C. from Ilminster

Sunday 9 September 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

River clear & weather sunny. Realy struggled, very snaggy & no bites all day. Caught 3 barbel between us in the last hour on meat.



Sunday 26 August 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

5 Barbel to 7lb 14oz and 1 Chub about 3lbs. All to 8mm pellet and/or corn with PVA mesh bags of small pellet. Meat surprisingly unproductive given the amount of colour in the water. Given the conditions, I probably should have caught more but a nice day on a nice stretch anyway. Beware the near bank tackle graveyard in the upper swims. The middle or beyond is better. No problems with directions/access, even the canoeists behaved themselves. Thank you WUF.


J. B. from Bristol

Saturday 25 August 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:3

The fishery was easy to find and access from the car park was good. However, despite the fishery being over a mile long there were only a handful of swims with adequate access to the water to be able to fish. Some of the first swims had very high banks and it was not possible, even with a long, fully extended landing net handle, to reach the water to be able to safely land a fish. This could have been a consequence of rain in the week raising the water level to cover areas people could normally step down onto to fish. Nevertheless the three of us found swims to fish and had good sport, for the most part anyway! I caught 2 barbel of 4lb 13oz and 5lb 15oz on fishmeal boilies fished in conjunction with a groundbait feeder filled with halibut pellets. My father, MB, caught 5 chub to over 3lb, an eel of around a pound and two barbel, one around 6lb and the other 6lb 4oz. All his fish came to feeder fished halibut pellets. The third member of our group, fishing from the 2nd swim of the fishery (MB fished the 3rd swim and I fished about 300m downstream of that) sadly blanked, despite using similar tactics. All in all a good day was enjoyed by all of us, even MC who blanked! But it is worth noting that the 2nd field (I didn't walk any further than the 2nd field) is lined by a fence and only allows access to the river to make one fishable swim. Given this field is probably one third of the length of the fishery we were a little disappointed as this, coupled with the high banks and over grown banks of the first area, meant there was a vast expanse of fishy looking water we couldn't access. I am 30 but my fishing partners for the day are both over 60. I was able to explore the overgrown, slippery and steep areas (to some extent) but sadly they weren't so their fishing was very limited. Personally I love river fishing as it's natural and I don't like fishing commercial pools with man made swims right on top of one another. So I don't raise the point about a lack of access for any other reason than to inform people, especially those of an older generation that our experience told us that although there is over one mile of bank available in this fishery, the vast majority of it is completely unfishable. However, it's still the Wye, it's still a beautiful wild river and there are some stunning fish to be caught!!


M. P. & K. B. from Southampton

Friday 17 August 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

This was a new stretch for us so upon arrival we parked up and walked the beat. The section looked good and for the Wye we felt the access was no worse than we had found anywhere else. Having struggled slightly the day before on a section a few miles up stream we felt that the fishing could be difficult. Thankfully we both managed to land a barbel each within the first hour but as the weather deteriorated the bites slowed. At times it was hard to believe it was August as I sat under my umbrella watching waves with white tops break as a strong up stream wind blow and the rain lashed down. K B's chosen swim of the telegraphs proved to be very snaggy and a lot of feeders were lost although the rewards were a nice catch of several lovely barbel on a miserable day. Would love to see this stretch in Summer trim but not sure when that maybe !!


T. U. from Bristol

Sunday 12 August 2012 (12 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

It was tougher going this visit. I seemed to find every snag in the river plus the rain thunder & lightning combined to make it more uncomfortable. Despite this I managed to land 6 Barbel between 5lb and 7lb 3ozs using pellets.

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