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Feedback & Reports

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D. S. from Witney

Wednesday 22 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

A difficult day; 12lb pike first cast which attacked my feeder in Boys Rocks, half hour later a 6-7lb barbel then nothing else from that peg. Be aware this is a difficult, tight peg, very steep and slippery 'path' too. Moved down the woods and found a nice but awkward swim (due to overhead trees) and had a barbel just under 9lb from close in. Both barbel on pellets.

I saw an otter working the middle river/far bank and after that I could not get another bite for the rest of the day! I moved around the few swims on the stretch but could not buy a bite.

A nice day out though, thanks.


J. D. from Lincs

Tuesday 21 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

Caught 8 barbel best a tad over 8 pound and two chub one was 5.5 lb. River up a foot, nice comfortable peg at boys rock although lost a lot of tackle in snags ! (also some litter in the peg which i took away!) but a great days fishing, in a beautiful area. All caught on pellets and meat.

Thanks WUF.


M. D. from Wiltshire

Sunday 19 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

Fished Boys Rock, 6 barbel, largest 10lb 4oz all taken on pellet. Anyone who fishes this swim will use a lot of end tackle due to the large stones. I found the best way is to fish as heavy as poss and just bully the fish to the surface.


M. L. from London

Friday 17 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

River was still up 3-4 feet on this day so fishing the top peg (boys rock) wasn't possible sadly as the bank was submerged and dangerous. Roved the whole section fished 5 swims and only had one 8+ Barbel. Couldn't stay until dusk but would like to on another day. Travel light as there are fishable pegs all the way down the beat, but it is a long stretch.


G. P. from London

Monday 13 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:2

Although the river had dropped probably 3 feet from the tide-line left in previous days, it was still chocolate, hammering through and carrying quite a bit of general detritus which, in particular made the tiny swim below Boy's Rocks virtually unfishable. The next two open swims in the woods were fine and in the hour or so we tried them John took one babrel at 7 lb+ and lost one, both on pellets. Moving down to the first field (the middle part of the beat) where there's one obvious swim but a number of areas you could fish as the balsam and nettles were nowhere near as impenetrable as they have been on other beats, again a decent fish was lost. Not being familiar with the stretch, the turbulent heavily coloured water made feature spotting a challenge and we resorted to feeding marginal glides under or around bushes and trees.
For the last part of the day we moved to the bottom field, switched to meat and paste baits and, again, concentrating on the margins using flora as features, we had two barbel around 6lbs from a swim at the end of the tree line that leads back to the lay-by stile, and a final 7 lb-er from the very last swim where the small stream enters.
All in all a very fair result from a rather straight beat where we couldn't scan features to fish to. Notably there were no snag issues on the bottom two sections so the bottom must be gravelly and quite benign, although the bump and grind progress of feeders and leads suggested loads of streamer weed, confirming what we'd seen on the satellite photos.

Thanks WUF


G. S. from Cardiff

Thursday 9 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

Had early start and found the fishing beat and parking lay-by really easy, took walk along top half of the beat and could really only find one swim to fish as there are no other swims to fish, high banks and full of trees! The only swim I could find which was boys rocks but with not a lot of room and even hard to cast out I might add! With foot of water on I started to fish and landed 5 barbel between 5lb and 9lb loosing 6 (with shake of the head plus loosing lots of terminal tackle), due to the rocks cutting the line and found this swim to be really snaggy with lots of big boulders and weed! Returning back to my car I find a note saying please dont park in this lay-by who left it there I dont know but I think the WUF need to look at this as I parked where instructed to and to be honest I wont be returning back in a hurry on this beat! With lack of swims!

WUF Note: Access is currently much easier from the more open lower end of the fishery. Although some clearance work has already been done at the top end, we will be cutting out further swims this autumn. We are looking into the parking issue.


I. N. from Cross Hands

Thursday 9 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

After driving 90 miles from west Wales I found another angler had booked late the previous night and was in the 'top' swim. So I went and tried 2 swims downstream in amongst the trees. Very tricky to fish and didn't get a bite in 4 hours. Walked down to the end of the first field but could find no other fishable swims. Do not know if there are any swims at the bottom end of fishery? Gary, the other angler, kindly took pity on me, and generously packed up early and let me have a go there. Here I caught 5 barbel and 1 chub but beware this swim eats tackle. Bring loads of spare feeders etc, use 12lb min' line, barbless hooks are a must and when you get a fish on, haul like mad to keep them from shredding the line on the boulders. Packed up after losing 3 sets of tackle in 3 casts! IMPORTANT NOTE: The owners of the house informed me that ONLY 1 CAR is allowed to be parked in the layby at a time. I feel that this venue should be phone bookings only to explain the hazards and limited to 1 booking at a time. Many thanks to Gary the other angler who saved me from a blank day.

**WUF NOTES** The beat description states that the upper car park is for one car only. There are many swims at the lower end of the fishery, not far from the lower car park. WUF will be improving access at the top end of the fishery this autumn.


T. U. from BRISTOL

Sunday 5 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

Despite the length of the stretch there are very few swims to choose from, however I chose the obvious one and landed 7 barbel to 9lb 6ozs which is my second best from the Wye.
Pellets were the successful bait.

**WUF note** This is a new beat and has not been open to coarse fishing before now - access and swims due to be improved this Autumn.


M. D.

Sunday 5 September 2010 (14 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye

Beat:Wyastone Leys


No. of Anglers:1

Poor result for my first visit, only caught 4 chub biggest about 4 pounds, and one dace. Chub taken on meat, will be booking again but further upstream.

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