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K. W. from Chalford, Glos

Saturday 18 June 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:3

Parked up at outside the Severn Trent complex at around 7:00 am. The river was high with a lot of debris, we knew this might be the case given the weather.
I opted to fish really close in on what they call the "New Swim". I used Elips pellets with an open feeder. In total I had 6 Barbel between 9lb and 12lb plus a 3lb Chub, most of the fish were caught before 15:00, so we left at around 19:00.
The other two rods caught 3 Barbel between 9lb and 11lb plus to around 5 Eels.
All in all a great days fishing, really enjoyed it and will return when the river is a little lower and slower running.
During the day we saw a number of very large Pike, 20lb plus laying up in the shallows, another thing to bear in mind for next time.
Hopefully I will be back very soon, thanks for all your help, very efficient.
Finally, very big thanks to Don, he helped a lot, took time to give me updates on the river levels before the day, nothing was too much trouble for him.


G. G. from Thornbury

Saturday 18 June 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

5 chub to 4lb. No sign of barbel though.


D. M. from English Bicknor

Saturday 18 June 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

8lb fresh small summer salmon caught Legg Meadow crib 2030 hrs Friday. Coarse fisherman saw 2 salmon showing throughout the day, one below Legg meadow crib the other above the crib off the weedbank. I caught the fish below the crib spinning small black flying c.


J. E.

Friday 17 June 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:2

My son booked this beat for us so that I could try and catch my first Barbel, mission accomplished the weight 6lbs, I was over the moon. It didn't last long as my son caught one that went 8lbs 4oz. Sod's law that your son catches one bigger than you.
The day was really good because on top of the Barbel, between us we had 24 Chub up to 4lb 12oz. Caught on pellet with feeder and straight lead and also on the waggler fishing pellet. I would say this fishery is well worth a visit considering it was our first and will be looking to come again.


T. H. from Newent

Friday 3 June 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

I booked both this beat and Wyebank which I fished in the evening with a fly rod. First time here but I know the river here, but my advice to other anglers is fish it early, say 7am til 10am and late, say after 5pm and be content with a break from fishing whilst the circus comes to town in the form of the canoe armada. Plenty of entertainment to be had sitting having lunch in the Lower Lydbrook car park as I did, watching them turn over, fall in, etc. I would not thought it was possible to gather together so many fools in one place.

Back to the fishing, clearly plenty of salmon in the beat I saw them early in the morning on Legg Meadow Crib and just below the Wood Crib in front of the house. Spinning I hooked something large at 0830 and lost it a minute of so later before it had time to declare itself a salmon. Caught and hooked and lost loads of shad and a large Chub during the late afternoon weighing perhaps 4lb. I will fish it again but I'll make sure it is not during school holidays. Going when I did was surely my schoolboy mistake.
Finally a suggestion, would it be possible to cut back the overhanging bankside trees below wood crib so anglers would find it easier to wade the edge of the deep water channel and fish down towards the house?


D. M. from Glos

Wednesday 25 May 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

Landed a lovely conditioned hen fish 11.15am just over 32 inches, approx 13lbs, caught on silver and black spooned salmon red flying c, caught off the wood crib with water level just below 0" (summer level) on the Lydbrook gauge. Quite windy, with strongish upstream wind above the island, but calm through the wood. Algae getting bad around midday.
Only 4 canoes by 11.30.


C. P. from Weston Super Mare

Sunday 22 May 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

Arrived at the river nice and early (5.15am). Intended to fish the double hander down Wyebank before the canoe traffic built up. Strange colour to the water so decided against the fly and fished higher up on the Courtfield beat on the flying C. Nothing doing. Eventually moved back down to Wyebank with the double hander and had two brownies on a silver cascade including 1 beauty of approx 1.5lb. By late morning the canoe traffic was getting out of hand and had two near misses. These people seem to fall into 3 categories. a) The courteous one's who do all they can to avoid anglers. b) The courteous one's who aren't capable of steering a boat and c) The downright rude one's who don't care about anyone else on the water. By late morning it was just too dangerous to be stood in the middle of the river. I have never seen so much traffic and reckon it's only a matter of time before there is a tragedy.
Moved back upstream in the afternoon and had 2 pike (biggest approx 8lb) and a plump shad (approx 1lb) spinning off Legg Meadow Crib. Top meadow was unproductive.
Many thanks to Don Macer-Wright for his tips and help. Will be back.


P. K. from Marlborough

Sunday 22 May 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

No salmon but a good fish did show in the morning. Lots of Shad evident around Legg Meadow and Legg Meadow crib. Kept moving to avoid them but still accidental captures.


R. L. from Lower Lydbrook

Tuesday 3 May 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

Down beat 06.30am after night shift for breath of fresh air. Cold sunny morning with mist rising off the Wye, stunning ambience! Not optomistic as river extremely low. 1 salmon kelt possibly just into double figures unhooked in the water and swam off at reasonable pace.
Caught in fast oxygenated flow just 10mtrs below the island where there is a deeper hole (the barbel hole) on pink and copper bladed flying C fished deep and slow, held back against current. Are there any more late kelt holed up in pools as these waiting for a flush to take them to the sea as we seem to be seeing many salmon in this area of the river lately.
Early twait shad shoal seen above island on Friday that seems to have moved on up river. Large 20lb plus spawn laden pike and attending jacks and also barbel spawning in shallows easily seen due to the low water. Exceptionally large hatches of Mayfly and similar of late.


C. P. from Weston Super Mare

Sunday 10 April 2011 (13 years ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

None caught but still an enjoyable day with interesting pools. 1 decent salmon followed my flying c into the bank in the top pool but couldn't get him to take. Very hot day with the normal Sunday canoe traffic. Handily situated pub in between the lower and upper beats.

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