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Feedback & Reports

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C. A. from Barry

Sunday 29 September 2024 (5 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

Not much information at all on the swims and no clear directions on how to get to them.


P. C. from Oxford

Saturday 28 September 2024 (5 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:2

On arrival a very high and heavily coloured river limited swim choice but we found a couple of fishable swims in the meadow and the first fish was caught within 5 mins of fishing. Another five followed between 9:30-12:00 and then things went quiet until 16:00-17:00 when two more fish were added to the tally. The river dropped by 2m during the day and the main feeding spell came mid morning as the river level started to fall. Also lost a couple of barbel to hooklinks snapping on rocks during the fight. As a result I would recommend the use of flourocarbon hooklinks and regularly checking line for damage as it does happen a lot. All fish came to pretty standard feeder rigs. Car got stuck in the meadow just through the gate and had to be rescued with the generous help of Don (thanks again you hero!). Don’t park here if the ground is wet! Highly recommend the fish and chips from The Wye Fry in Lydbrook.

8 Barbel


P. F. from Sevenoaks

Friday 27 September 2024 (5 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:4

Fast rising river which after a while made a couple of the limited number of swims virtually unfishable. Very wet conditions meant that that nearest 2 car parking places were unusable. The walk from the other car park is substantial and not for the faint hearted as only real route is along the road with lorry's whizzing past. More and better info about this would have been useful. Having said that the stretch did produce the most Barbel for us. All of which were caught on pellet. Other fish were Eels!

Fishing Passport Note : It is mentioned in the beat details that parking maybe subject to ground conditions. Any suggestions about more and better information is welcome.

9 Barbel, 2 Chub, 3 Other


T. M. from Ludlow

Monday 23 September 2024 (5 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:2

Fishing on a rising river.(1.4m on lydbrook guage). Caught 8 barbel average 7-8lb, 2 chub, 1 chunky eel.

8 Barbel, 2 Chub, 1 Other


R. G. from Penarth

Friday 20 September 2024 (5 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:2

Thunder & lightning. Very heavy downpours but some decent barbel caught.

4 Barbel, 1 Chub


D. I. from Wells

Monday 16 September 2024 (5 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:2

5 Barbel, 5 Chub, 4 Other


R. C. from Lydney

Saturday 31 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

1 Barbel, 3 Chub


C. B. from Swansea

Monday 26 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

Despite the previous days rain, the river was coloured and only up slightly, not the deluge we expected?
The whole day turned out very hard going and bites were slow despite the overcast conditions.
At first light and 3 hour later the first real bite came, a decent 6lb Barbel, unfortunately the only barbel of the day.
Chub bites were few and far between, but when they came i was either taking a drink or eating a sandwich, lots of bites missed, could have been eels... i don't know, never the less enjoyable day.
Canoe traffic was extreme at one point, i counted 32 that passed me in 10mins, but all courteous and polite.

Thanks WUF & land owners for proving great access to a great river with all the wildlife that comes with it..!

1 Barbel, 5 Chub


R. C. from Lydney

Saturday 24 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

Not a bite all evening


R. C. from Lydney

Saturday 17 August 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Lower Wye



No. of Anglers:1

2chub 1 barbel

1 Barbel, 2 Chub

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