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Feedback & Reports

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A. S. from Newent

Saturday 16 November 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Winter Grayling

A couple of hours spent nymphing. Water levels on Dore slightly deeper than hoped. Sadly could only connect with brownies today and failed to locate the Dore grayling. Nice little beat.


A. K. from Blakeney

Monday 2 September 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

3 small trout caught.

3 Trout


A. from Blakeney

Monday 26 August 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Water level very low. Nice stream and accessible. 8 trout caught, from 4" to 13".

8 Trout


T. J. from Woodstock

Monday 20 May 2013 (11 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

10inch and 11inch on loopwing Mayfly.

2 Trout

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