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B. P. from Pembridge

Saturday 22 June 2024 (8 months ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Nice day on the Clewedog with the river still running at a decent height. Fished from about 11.30 to 3 with the Tenkara rod.
Started with a small nymph as it was on from last trip. Switched to a Gnarly Tenkara fly when the nymph was taken by a tree and ended up fishing it dry which worked well later on. Plenty of Otter prints and saw several Kingfishers.

14 Trout


J. A. from Rhayader

Wednesday 19 June 2024 (8 months ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Looked at the Ithon River level, last night ......sitting nicely at 0.112m .... Great i thought, means her tributary, the Clywedog should be perfect, and she was when I parked at the bridge at bang on ten to midday!!!
Had a can of coke and my lunch, before starting and watched wasps come and go out of plastic tubing, that's near the parking area, well actually behind it if I'm bring honest!!! Fascinating things to watch, i could just see the small nest, just a bit bigger than a tennis ball ...... that'll soon be treble that by September..... Great to watch them go about their business....
The fishing today was cracking.... dry fly all the way as always, with my summer small stream fishing.... superb fun !!!! Lots to the net, and a good few slipping off to be fair !! Eighteen made it to the net, some nice chunky twelve inch fish, but the average about seven or eight inches I'd say ...lovely takes to my dry , just never tire of it !!! A slow mooch upstream.... superb stuff....
Got out by the weir at the top at four bells ....The River is running at perfect dry fly height, clear but certainly not deep !!! Fish small dries, cast accurately, and wade slowly is my motto here and in fact on most if not all the wild streams if you want success.....
The cows are a bit feisty in the field , but hey ho !! And tarka had been on the rampage I'd say in the lower part of the beat today .... pools that last week had two or three fish in them .... He's a real explorer, seen his prints at the Bridge and right up the top... Doesn't seem to dampen the quality of fishing. OK, fish aren't huge, but there are some nice surprises here .... five of mine today were over ten inches .... so that's good for a little trib. Right, another adventure tommoz ....maybe one of the Usk tribs, they always seem a little left out !!!... Home time and a bottle of Rev. James !!! Oofffffffffff .......

18 Trout


A. T. from Hereford

Tuesday 11 June 2024 (9 months ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

This is probably the best wild stream I've bean ever. Plenty of fish, most of them cought with pheasant nymph, 2x dry fly.
Easy access to the river, wading is easy as well. Hope will get a chance to go again soon.

7 Trout


J. A. from Rhayader

Saturday 8 June 2024 (9 months ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

A fun, if not a little rushed this afternoon, as I am taking the .22 out later for a bit of bunny bashing ... Rabbit Madras imminent !!!! Mmmmmm !!!
Anyway, the usual quiet areas when I started at midday!! Otter activity again !!! .... A rather annoying wind too .... gggrrrrrr !! Other than that, great dryfly sport, again !! Forgot my secateurs ... darn it !!! But managed snapping quite a few annoying boughs hanging over the brook !!!! A nice happy medium if you know what I mean, not to make an unsightly mess, just nip off annoying new growth!!! There is quite a bit, but better do a bit than none at all I say.......
Fish looking up still, and keen to nail a well presented dry !! Para greenwells and small Wulffs doing the biz today.... River at a nice height, with that Ithon tinge to it, and still a few mays flying about by two o clock ....
Eleven maybe twelve made it to my net, a couple of really nice eleven Inch fish too in that tally ...A futher four or five came off after a brief tussle !! Must admit, the fish go barmy here when hooked , big or small, great fun on the six foot, one weight rod !!!
I do love this little secretive overgrown brook, warts and all !!! Tis a firm fav along with the Edw and the Arrow I'd say..... cracking stuff .. Didn't see Tarka during the three hours I was there, but plenty of fresh prints in the bankside silt !!
A cracking few hours, as always on the streams, out with the rifle later , hopefully bag a few bunnies .... Then a bottle of Rev. James is waiting for this callsign ...... Happy days !!!!

11 Trout


J. A. from Rhayader

Saturday 1 June 2024 (9 months ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

After a load of early gardening and oiling the shed, was time for a quick cuppa, then off to one of the wild streams ..... I saw last night a couple of booked beats, so I plumbed for the Clywedog......
I got there at ten to twelve, looking lovely and a perfect height to be honest !! Tackled up my usual six foot, one weight for here.... tis just the job ... mayfly on the go from half one and fish smashing them, although Tarka had done his usual rounds, and there were quiet areas along the bear .... You gotta do your leg work here and be prepared for some quiet pools !!! I saw the Otter briefly up by the Elan Pipes .... the other week, he was more towards the parking area .... cheeky monkey !!!
As mentioned before, put the graft in and you'll hit plenty of takes !!! A few risers caught , but mostly prospecting today... fun to be honest ..eighteen ish maybe more to the net, and a few long range releases... Great fun.. only wee fish today, ranging from seven to perhaps ten inches, all nailed my dry fly offerings .... Para Greenwells and DHE....I favour the smaller flies , even when mayfly are about to be honest..... apart from the big patterns really snarl up my furled leaders, ha ha .... I find my tactics still work, fishing smaller .... they'll still smash a well presented dry !!
....and , alas, they did today....A cracking four hours sport ..... tis a brook you got to graft in, but hey its an absolute cracker .... and yet another sighting of the Otter, this is becoming a regular occurance !!!
Back home, and a well earned can of Thatchers Gold !!! Happy days ......

18 Trout


J. A. from Rhayader

Saturday 25 May 2024 (9 months ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Parked up at the designated parking spot for this cracking little brook ..... I'm sure the area is used for Powys road maintenance teams cause there's a huge array of plastic road warning signs etc etc .....
Last time I was here the otter had been on patrol, and he'd been on the "go" today ...... again !!! Areas were as quiet as a mouse particularly up to the pipes, although I'd picked up three or four by then but unusually quiet .... but fresh otter prints gave the game away , didn't spot him today but he wasn't far !!! River is sitting at a lovely height,with that slight "Ithon" tinge to it ..... but clear enough to watch thr trout come out of knowwhere and smash my dry fly !!! Just the best !!!
Dry fly sport was really fun if you put the leg work in..... This is a beat that'll give you a good workout !!!
I think twelve or thirteen trout, and two plump ten inch grayling, like peas in a pod !!! Both hammered my dry fly !!! Think I went right to the top of the beat, over a five hour session here ..... superb fun as always.......Fish between six and ten Inches today, nothing huge but all absolutely nailed my dry fly offerings !!! Four fish that were risers, the rest prospecting ......
Mayfly on the go ....And quite a few too.... lovely to see ..... Must admit watched a few on the water .... didn't seem to be getting harassed..... lucky !!!
Well, looks like a weather warning for tommoz heavy thunder storms by all accounts, probably be thr rivers out for a few days ...was nice to squeeeeeeeeze in this session !!! Back here soon, maybe the Elan Valley tommorrow, choices choices !

12 Trout, 2 Grayling


J. A. from Rhayader

Saturday 18 May 2024 (9 months ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

A lovely session today on the little wild , very wild Clywedog Brook!!! Fished midday till five ... me thinks Mr Otter had been gallivanting in some areas in the lower beat .... not a sausage in the usual pool heads... and fresh prints in the bankside silt !!!
Still, further up, sport was mega fun on my six foot one weight, which is ideal for here ....
Not sure when this little brook had some attention ie. In the form of some cutting back etc etc .... needs it,big time .... Can I suggest a wild streams board is put up at WUF HQ, with beats that need some attention .... tbh it's probably most of them in fairness ... They're not only the wild streams , but nurseries for the bigger Wye and Usk ... let these tribs go to pot, and there's no hope for salmo trutta then !!! Anyway, moving on, great dry fly sport ..... and lots of leg work today, nearly the full beat done, not quite sure where it ends but hey ho, no worries !!!
Fish between five abd eleven inches today.... I love there aggressive attitude here... they absolutely nail the dry... mind you, its gotta be presented right and the right fly for the occasion.... favourites got smashed here today!!!! Lots slipped off before the net !!! If you're prepared for quite bits of water with Mr Otter running the show here, either Fish it through quick and you'll soon know where he's been swimming up too !!!
Fifteen or sixteen to the net this afternoon , a lovely dry fly session , back to Rhayader and I think this angler deserves a cold pint of Inches cider in The Crown.....Rounds off a lovely Saturday..... sorted !!! Another of these cracking little streams on Monday .... maybe an Usk tributary ......

15 Trout


J. A. from Rhayader

Sunday 12 May 2024 (10 months ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Well, we are still waiting for a pending storm a few loud thunder grumbles in Rhaeadr Gwy, but so far, that's it....Hence heading earlier to the little Clywedog .... I fished between half nine and half twelve.... a bit earlier than I would have liked but hey ho .....I got out by the Elan water pipes, which I always find a nice exit point !!! It does say on a very nice wooden gate S.T.W. not a public footpath.... but it does lead nicely to the parking area .... and actually there's no other way unless you levitate !! Strewth, these water companies hey !!! Lol !!!
Anyway onto more important things. The Angling!!! Superb here as always, a real jungle and some agility needed to be honest to properly enjoy this beat. I saw a brief roe buck in that pleasant wooded area .... very nice to see, ohhhhh and the kingfisher up and down twice !!!
Fun, fun, fun on my dry fly offerings this morning, with fish looking up big time from elevenish ...A plethora of upwings and sedges at the party.... which incidentally, was rocking !!!!
Smash takes to my dries....The fish are Savage here, and even if they are six inch brownies, they hammer your well placed dry !! Such good fun.... Next time I'll do the full beat.... Did a kick sample, and tbh looking really good, with a mix of baetis, shrimps and plecoptera nymphs .... ohhh and a darting fact two !!! And masses of fry in one slower deep pool !!!
A lovely morning, I think thirteen made it to the net, with several more long range self released brownies. Sizes between six snd eleven inches... Love the secretive feel here...and, even though its a bit of a jungle and would benefit from some T.L.C . ........ its still fun !! Ohhh I wonder if WUF will put aside some of this money for wild streams investment???? Mmmmmmm money well spent me finks !!! Anyway, a mooch into Rhayader and a couple of scoops in The Crown .... rounds of a perfect Sunday !!!!

13 Trout


J. A. from Rhayader

Wednesday 13 September 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Decided on the lovely little Clywedog Brook again today.... 15 degrees when I parked up at half ten .... lots of sedge on the go and olives ... yeeeeeeeeeessssssssss !! Lol .....
Usual small streams outfit for here ....I think its surgically part of my hand now ..... ha ha ha !!
Anyway, great sport, lots of in and out here at the mo ......and fallen trees and debris....where I got a cast out, good Savage takes to my Para Grernwells , lovely job .... feisty hard as nails brownies it !!! Eleven made it to the net, a few long range releases, as expected..... well, long range here is six yards or less !!!! Ha ha !!!
Kingfisher up abd down three times, just a joy to see ...fantastic.... think the otter had been active on the side of one of the pools , fresh pooh and lots of prints and water on pebbles ......
I got out at the Elan Valley pipes at just gone two .... a really pleasant few hours, after a day guiding on Claerwen Reservoir yesterday.... everything always seems closed in and Lilliputian, after the massive nature of the Elenydd ......
A fun few hours dry fly sport as always, in a blissfully quiet little valley, happy days.....

11 Trout


J. A. from Rhayader

Monday 4 September 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

One word for my trip to the little Clywedog this afternoon SUBLIME !!! FUN FUN FUN !!! Parked up at ten to twelve , had a nosey at the river over the bridge, looking good .... its been a while since I've fished this one , always remembered that they go basserk once hooked!!! And aggressive takes too .... both of which occurred with every fish that smashed either my sparkle dun or rusty kilnkhammer this afternoon ....... fab sport if I'm honest .....
Again like a jungle, I finished at half three and get out at the convenient old track by the Elan Pipes ..... I was stung, sweating, hot, bothered, knackered but I loved it as always...... difficulty level to get a cast away is up there with the wildest of streams, but put the effort in, cast well, and you'll get a response!!!!
Managed twelve to the net, and another two that didn't make it ..... the one looked a good fish too, always the way hey ....... Great smash takes to my dries ..... a lot of the fish taking at the very heads of pools .... violent hits, lovely job ......
Ohhhhh saw two barn owls on the walk back to my truck, awesome birds, flying low over the meadow ........ 25 degrees again today, but I must admit as overgrown as it was there I had an absolute ball ..... like puff adders on the rises to your fly , you gotta be ready I can tell you !!! Total un, and just the best of wild stream dry fly sport ..... I'll target another of the streams tommorrow .... living the dream is really rather nice !!! Anyway , time to freshen up and go and grab a cold pint of Inches Cider from The Crown in Rhayader, a lovely afternoon ..... Happy days !!!!

12 Trout

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