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Feedback & Reports

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J. D. from Porthcawl

Friday 17 May 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Two fish in the morning and the rest once it warmed a bit in the afternoon. Switched methods a lot between dry to high sticking a team on the deeper runs. Most fish caught to Iron Blue Dun or a Para Adams. Trout were between 8”-12” and one Grayling was 14”. The water was coloured up a bit and that definitely helped. Cracking day.

13 Trout, 2 Grayling


J. J. from Stourbridge

Monday 8 April 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

First time on this beat, and a real challenge. A real mix of water with slow glides and some fast riffles, and some very deep holes ! Trees overhang most of the beat, so a small rod is needed to make the most of the water; and a good place to practice your roll-casting and casting sideways under foliage.
Fished upstream from the bottom of the beat. Had nothing at all trying nymphs and wets - no nips no tugs - nothing. Nothing rising so persevered with nymphs until the afternoon, and suspected a blank. Then spotted rises in a most unlikely looking slow and shallow run towards the top of the beat. Lost lots ! - but managed to secure 2 lean but healthy trout with an olive CDC emerger (sz.16) - both returned safely.
There are some really nice spots on this stretch, and I'll certainly try again.

2 Trout


B. W. from Abergavenny

Saturday 30 March 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Perfect day on the llynfi. Lovely seeing a resident otter run along the far bank. First fish around 1lb, although still a little thin after the winter. A few fish around 6” followed along with a cracking oos grayling close to 2lb ending the afternoon. Unfortunately came across two guys spinning as I was leaving. They didn’t want to leave when I mentioned it was fly only..

5 Trout, 1 Grayling


R. W. from Portishead

Thursday 14 February 2019 (6 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Winter Grayling

No. of Anglers:1

First trip this year, I knew the Llynfi would be running high from the Natural Resources Wales website but it was a lovely day after the sun had warmed the initial mist away. River was high and a light amber colour, looking in good shape. There were even some olives hatching about the middle of the day, but I saw only 1 small fish jumping after a fly. I tried hard for a few hours , using deep bugs, nymphs, shrimp and even a dry fly but neither saw or touched anything. Also had to work hard in the current, wading staff essential!! Still very enjoyable to be out and about again...


I. E. from Cardiff

Tuesday 1 January 2019 (6 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Winter Grayling

No. of Anglers:1

Fished hard, and threw everything at today - k&d, frnech nymph, indicator, dry, but nothing drew a fish. No takes, didn't see any rises, didn't see any fish. Have eked a few fish from this beat previously, but for such a good looking stretch of river, really surprised that more fish haven't been caught. Disappointing return every time visiting the beat, where other WUF beats have been much more productive.


C. T. from Alcester

Thursday 27 December 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Winter Grayling

No. of Anglers:1

Failed to catch today although river looked much better than yesterday. Tried a variety of Nymphs and various techniques,
felt I fished better than yesterday.


C. T. from Alcester

Wednesday 26 December 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Winter Grayling

No. of Anglers:1

River slightly coloured, a little high and only made contact with one out of season brown trout. Lovely condition.

1 Trout


G. B. from Hertfordshire

Saturday 8 December 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Winter Grayling

No. of Anglers:1

River high and murky so fished the quieter margins where possible. One Grayling played and lost in 1st pool above road bridge - a nice end to a wet and windy day! Hooked on bead head nymph swung into quieter ebb from main flow.

Top of beat was very heavy going with brambles and branches blocking access - but lower part near road bridge is excellent. Will definitely have another go here when waters lower and clearer.


B. P. from Pembridge

Monday 26 November 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

Fishing:Winter Grayling

No. of Anglers:1

2 Grayling 6 and 10 inches on a pink shrimp.
A small hatch of olives around 13.00 brought a few fish to the surface.
A few Salmon Redds seen.

2 Grayling


J. A. from Leominster

Tuesday 6 November 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Upper Wye

Beat:Pontithel - River Llynfi

No. of Anglers:1

Thought it was about time I gave the River Llynfi another crack , so headed to Pontithel , arriving about nineish , a cool breeze , reading 13 degrees when I tackled up in the lay by , initially tying on a small Parachute Adams , see how things go !!!

First decent glide , and a small eight inch grayling on , nice confident rise to the Adams , slipped the fish back in and continued , things looked promising . . .

Second fish , ditto in size , and again took the Adams , seems the grayling here like to settle in the glides , no takes in the faster water , and after my second gorgeous grayling , I did in fact briefly have a lump of a fish on , good run around then of , had a good look at him , cracking grayling probably fifteen inches , but didnt make it to the net , and he was off . . . Cest la vie !

Worked my way up the river , and with the weather the other week , looks like it must have been raging , as the debris and height well above the normally river course was well up . Stuck with the Adams , as it was that kind of day , had a hunch another lunker may have a pop at it , but the next fish was in fact a sprightly brownie , about ten inches and very energetic , pre coital excitement maybe !!!!

The next fish , a brownie , in another superb pool on this beat took the Adams with a really aggressive hit , perhaps eight inches , another cracker and slipped back in , just down from the footbridge , final fish of the day , and what a cracker , an out of season brownie , but a superb specimen , probably pushing fifteen inches , quickly played and released , lovely , and a varied morning on this diverse little river . It's always a nice change coming here as its quit a bit more open than the Arrow , upper Lugg and the Dore .

Packing up, I had a little demon on my shoulder , telling me to have a cuppa and a cake at the Honey Cafe up the road . . . . I had to give in ! A cappuccino and a cake topped of the day . . . Well the cake did have a cherry on it so at least it's one of my five a day , so I didn't feel tooooooo bad . Back soon , a fun morning !

3 Trout, 2 Grayling, 1 Other

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