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Feedback & Reports

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P. L. from Llanbrynmair

Wednesday 17 April 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

A lovely spring day with birdsong, celandine, otter tracks and spraints and at one point a dipper flopping about in the water trying to take me away from its nest. I started fishing a heavy nymph but nothing doing. Around midday some flies started coming off and I saw a rise - I still had the nymph on - I cast to the fish - the fishing gods smiled upon me and I caught a 9” trout. Changed to a dry but no other signs of life. Progress upstream very difficult in places. There are quite a few livestock barriers or the remains thereof strung across the stream. Most of them are so delapidated that they no longer serve the original purpose but still spoil the fishing

1 Trout


J. A. from Leominster

Thursday 23 August 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Was a nice change heading to the little Clewedog Brook today , overcast a cool breeze , and 17 degrees when I tackled up at nine , with my usual six foot two weight rod , and a single 18 Parachute Adams to start , as initially looking over the bridge , I did see one steady rise , things looked good , always a nice start seeing a fish rising . . . . Excited delirium sets in !!!!!!!,
Eventually got down into the stream , tricky from the bridge , but found a small tight path in , aren't they always amass with brambles . . . Careful wading as the initial hundred yards is pretty slippy bedrock so took it very steady , cast too the rising fish , and he nailed it , happy days nice start . . . A feisty fish of about ten inches admired then slipped back in .
I worked my way steadily upstream , some lovely little pools and runs , superb stuff and casting is reasonable for such a small stream , although some of the pools are deep , reminds me of some of the pools on the Hindwell , very deceptive and can easily catch you out !!!!!!Next two fish were on the Parachute Adams as well , again little fighters , and lovely colouration , both about eight inches . A couple of the deep pools , I did change fly to a GRHE , did the trick , two more fish from the same large pool , great fun , one about six inches , the other about eight .
Some surface activity was starting to show more regular by about midday and a mix of upwings and sedge were on the go , so tied on an Adams agin , this time slightly bigger , I went for the 14 just to see how things went . . . .
Did seem particularly fussy , hammered at the head of a little pool , again strong little fish seven inches , slipped back in , didn't quite manage the full beat , perhaps three quarters , great fun and plenty of activity frontman the resident kingfishers , really nice to see . .
Last fish was prospecting the Adams tight under a slumped willow , and a slow motion rise , small fish came up to inspect it then nailed it , great fun .
A really interesting five hours on the Clewedog Brook , seven brownies caught and released and plenty of wildlife to keep you entertained , as always with these wild streams , a nice way to chill out and drift away . . . . . . . . Spot on !!!!!!!!

7 Trout


N. W. from Hereford

Wednesday 27 June 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1


S. M. from Llandrindod Wells

Sunday 6 May 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Bright sunny day stream still quite high and coloured. Plenty of fly life . Fished nymph and dry fly but no interest. No rising fish seen. Some areas that could do with trimming and a couple of large blockages that would help flow if cleared. That said, a lovely stretch of wild stream to fish - I'll be back!


R. T. from Newport

Thursday 15 June 2017 (7 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Had an enjoyable day fishing on this remote beat. A lovely stretch of water but it is spoilt by overgrown vegetation which makes fishing in some parts impossible. This beat is in desperate need of some TLC. A few days work would make this stretch into an outstanding beat.

3 Trout


M. F. from Maidstone

Thursday 13 April 2017 (7 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Holidaying in Wales for the week, took advantage of the passport scheme to have two days river fishing. Day two the Clywedog beat on an overcast calm day. A day of scrambling, climbing, ducking and untangling, this is not easy fishing, very overgrown. Tried nymphs to start with, but resorted to a dry fly just to make take detection easier. There are some very deep pools I was glad of my newly acquired wading staff. The top of the beat has a lot of fallen trees, had to leave the river completely at one point. Large hatch of olives in the afternoon but saw no fish rising to them. I'm a beginner at river fishing, it was hard work but I enjoyed the day, will return later in the year


D. T. from Chester

Saturday 8 April 2017 (7 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

1 Trout


B. P. from Pembridge

Sunday 5 June 2016 (8 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Water level very low plus bright sunshine and high temperatures made for a tough couple of hours. Plenty of small Trout seen heading for cover but I managed to tempt 2 of around 6 inches from the deeper pools.

2 Trout


A. H. from Meadowtown, Shropshire

Thursday 12 May 2016 (8 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Access to water variable, limited/poor in mid to upper reaches because of heavy vegetation and barbed wire fences: felt like an assault course at times. Water was coloured and slightly murky after recent rain but water level was fairly low, allowing wellingtons to be sufficient for wading most of the time. Conditions bright sunshine and warm with occasional gusty winds. Little surface activity by trout in evidence so used wet fly, barbless, and had a few takes in pools and runs just below pipe bridge, only one fish, 9" brown trout, was landed but was foul hooked near pelvic fin and was returned. Very pleasant day on the river but the fishing was hard work in these conditions.

1 Trout


R. H. from Llandrindod

Thursday 5 May 2016 (8 years ago)

Area:Irfon & Ithon

Beat:The Clywedog

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

After the previous report from T.W I had to take a look. I only fished up to the pipes, however, I also saw little fly life, no rises and no spooked fish. I am aware that this brook can be at least a month behind most others, so only tentatively do I agree to being concerned. On a positive note at this time of year a visit is worthwhile to see the Pied Flycatchers and Redstarts along the upstream tree line in the first field.

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