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Feedback & Reports

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T. M. from Gloucester

Tuesday 30 September 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Water very low and clear, small number of rises but no takes and no fish, my clumsey casting scares them off. I liked the beat and will be back next season. Only fished for 2 hours then moved to lower Longtown for further 3 hours, see other return.


J. D. from Porthcawl

Friday 26 September 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

No fish under 10" and a couple at 12" all fell to my favourite for 2104; a tan Adams Parachute. I fished a size 14 and 12 on a 3WT rod during a 7.5 hour shift to the top. If you fish with a pal doing the Middle Escley beat (as I did) then arrange to leave car keys and then drive his car to pick him up at The Bridge Inn in Michaelchurch Escley at the top of his beat; and then back to get your car at the bottom of Lower Escley beat. This will save you some hardcore hiking at the end of a long day fishing and if you have to wait a bit at the top of Middle Escley beat then don't sweat it, Bridge Inn does a great pint of Butty Bach.

7 Trout


A. S. from Newent

Saturday 23 August 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:All Species (in season)

No. of Anglers:1

Very tricky conditions today, very low water and very limited fly life. What fish were taken came from where there was enough depth of water to creep up as quietly as possible. Only a few rises which were covered and brought to hand, the remaining fish were taken breaking the pools into grids and putting one cast into each area and so on till pool was worked, then onto next. I fished light with 9ft leader and 1lb tippet, size 18 f-fly and still spooked several fish when fly landed. Very tricky today but well worth it.

11 Trout, 2 Chub


A. J. from South Gloucestershire

Tuesday 22 July 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

All on Adams, river very low. Poor access to lower section of beat, very overgrown with several obstructions in river.

2 Trout


J. T. from Longtown, Hereford

Tuesday 1 July 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Quite bright, low water (as far as I went) but some nice stretches. No sign of even a petit poisson but my eyesight may be failing me.


A. T. from Somerset

Monday 16 June 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

I fished the Middle Escley a few weeks back and so after a good long rest felt ready and fit enough for another go at this beautiful river. Thankfully there are far fewer fences across this beat, but there is still plenty of scrambling and climbing (and falling over) required to get to the fishable parts of the water. The Mayfly was well and truly over this time and with very little fly hatching there was little sign of any fish. I managed to get 4 fish to the net, all about 10 - 12 inches and all took a small size 14 DHE tied with a pheasant tail body.

4 Trout


S. K. from Stroud

Friday 6 June 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:2

River fairly high & a bit coloured. Very little fly all day and only saw 4 rising fish, all of which looked very small. Caught one of about 3oz. Beat getting very overgrown again.

1 Trout


M. D. & J. O. B. from London

Saturday 31 May 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:All Species (in season)

No. of Anglers:2

We had a great time on this beat which provides a good range of challenges and some exciting fishing. Fish were rising to mayfly during the afternoon despite the coloured water. This is now our favourite beat on the upper Monnow and we will be back next year.

12 Trout


J. D. from Porthcawl

Friday 16 May 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Fished this beat on 2nd day of 4 day trip. I won't mention the other beats as my fishing partner is doing the returns but my daily score was 0-15-0-0 (he did better) so lesson learned for me is fishing the right rivers at the right time of year. Escley is a great wild stream but challenging in parts due to cover. To get to the top you need to keep moving and have lunch on the go. Bottom to top took me 7.5 hours. All fish taken on a 3WT to an Adams. Largest fish 16", most around 10".

15 Trout


N. R. from Solihull

Wednesday 7 May 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Escley Beat 4

Fishing:All Species (in season)

No. of Anglers:2

The day was very blustery and cool with frequent showers, consequently no real fly life and the fish kept their heads down. Stuck with the dry fly though as it's the most fun way of fishing these streams.
3 trout came to hand, 10 to 12 inches and in very good nick, plus the obligatory long range releases!
Good beer and food up at the Bridge Inn!

3 Trout

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