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C. M. from Bristol

Friday 21 March 2014 (10 years ago)


Beat:Blackpool Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Most of this beat was very shallow. I looked in all the deeper pools but couldn't see any fish, although they are no doubt in there somewhere. I needed smaller flies than I possessed for this water, so didn't do much fishing.
Before I started, a chap stopped on the road and reversed up the path, saying he hadn't seen an angler there for years. He said he and friends used to catch salmon parr there in their youth, and that there was much more water flowing down it then. Some of what he was telling me echoed OB's last report for this beat from 2011.
I was also warned about boars and sure enough I encountered one by the water which probably had young ones hidden somewhere. It didn't like my presence and I kept my distance.

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