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C. G. from Gent
Sunday 30 July 2017 (7 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
1 Trout
P. S. from Hereford
Sunday 2 July 2017 (7 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
No. of Anglers:1
I love this beat, hard work but worth it.
All trout caught give nothing up. Fished tenkara today which works well here, catapulting nymphs under trees, great fun. Biggest was about 10 inches. One about 8 inches lept out of the stream in to a bedrock puddle not much bigger than it self.
9 Trout
M. B. from London
Saturday 17 June 2017 (7 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Hard work, not much water and fish very spooky. Took two fish in deeper pockets on nymphs
2 Trout
J. & A. from Epsom & Billingshurst
Saturday 3 June 2017 (7 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Quiet on this special stream today, started at the first footbridge to avoid irritating a recent back problem, to be honest it hurt more missing the first section, just the most amazing place ! A shared rod only managed 3 wbt, possibly the lowest catch return I've posted for this beat, two to a grey duster para and one to an Adams para. Made it to the second footbridge then faced the wall of rock and waterfalls ! Looking at the beat map, this is not the end of the beat, was not going to attempt the Eiger purely for the fact we had to get back down it ! Thought about the bridge and going around but couldn't access, what and where is the end of the beat ? Determined to complete one day !
3 Trout
J. R. from Innsworth
Friday 26 May 2017 (7 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
What a stunning beat. The walk in and out is a little challenging in places with a rod and heavy wading boots, but it's certainly worth it - scrambling over boulders and fallen trees from waterfall to waterfall is a real pleasure.
I came in the evening, around 1900, having fished the Lynfi shortly after dawn and spending the rest of the day shading myself from the heat. The water was pretty low and warm (17C) and gin clear. I saw fish rising in the first pool I approached and had a cdc olive snaffled on my first cast. A short struggle and he came off, leaving the pool devoid of life. As I made my way upstream it was apparent that nearly every pool had fish feeding, but the approach was extremely difficult. Down on hands and knees I still ended up spooking the tiny fish in the tail of each pool (often feeding in only 6" of water) which then set off a chain reaction and I watched bow waves of larger fish further up rushing for safety. Eventually, about half-way along, I came to an unwooded section that allowed me to cast into the pool from about 10 yards back, letting most of my line fall on the rocks but the fly in the feeding channel. A lovely 11" wbt obliged by taking my pale evening dun and I promptly declared victory, heading back out of the gorge before it got dark.
I'd love to fish here again when the water is a little higher and, ideally, with a touch of colour to help mask my clumsy approach.
1 Trout
R. W. from Portishead
Thursday 25 May 2017 (7 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Hot hot day to tackle the canyon, river low and crystal clear. Apart from clouds of gnats, midge etc not much hatching and very few rises, so I prospected with a small grey baetis and late in the day a larger light olive para. Could not find a way of avoiding the small trout at the pool tails from shooting off and warning the others. Managed to get interest from the fast heads of pools but they were very wary so only landed 4, though good sized 10 and 11" for this river. Fighting fit. The two largest came to the large olive, obviously they thought it worth the effort.
2 of the major log jams have largely cleared, replaced by 2 new ones! For those who have not fished the Clettwr, I attach photos of these jams - you can get past, with some effort - personally I would not want this changed, and only if it was impossible to move upriver without some clearance. A true wild stream!!
4 Trout
P. S. from Hereford
Sunday 23 April 2017 (7 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
What a fantastic place to spend Sunday. Went mountain climbing with the tenkara rod. 2 trout 6-8ins and better one missed. All on the dry fly, a small caddis pattern.
Will be going back soon, once my legs have recovered!
2 Trout
Saturday 15 April 2017 (7 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
I had a lovely day on this small tributary of the Wye, landed 3 trout and lost what I think was a salmon parr. There were lots of flies hatching, such as olives and some smaller flies I couldn't identify as well as 1 or 2 stone-flies. Though there was a large hatch there were no fish rising, and all fish were caught on a size 18 weighted copper ribbed hears ear nymph. Throughout the day I also saw a mother duck with a few ducklings and 2 dead white clawed crayfish, one of them in the river and one of them by the side of the river. All in all it was an amazing days fishing and if you fish it, I would highly recommend fishing barbless flies.
3 Trout
N. B. from Chelmsford
Saturday 20 August 2016 (8 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Had a lovely day's fishing on the cletwr today. The river was a little bit high and coloured but it made it easier to sneak up on the fish all fish were caught on a size 18 hares ear nymph. If there's anyone that is reading this and hasn't fished this beat I would highly recommend it and go with a short rod, light tipped small flies. Make sure any fish you catch are released carefully as they are beautiful.
3 Trout, 2 Other
G. S. from Bury St. Edmunds
Saturday 30 July 2016 (8 years ago)
Area:Upper Wye
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Very low water made for testing conditions. Managed to find a few fish, but anything in flat water spooked immediately. Sparse hatch of stonefly and the odd upwing. Challenging but enjoyable day.
6 Trout, 4 Other
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