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Feedback & Reports

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J. A. from Leominster

Thursday 18 October 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Winter Grayling

No. of Anglers:1

Did plan on giving the Llynfi , Pontithel , a bash today , but saw last night got pipped at the post , never mind , back up plan was to head to Abbey Dore . . . . . . .

Turned up at the lovely Abbey Dore beat just before ten , tackled up the usual six foot rod , as it's a bit tight under the canopy , and bimbled down to the beat start , initially trying heavy nymphs , with one good follow from a cracking grayling , a couple of rises seen at half passed ten , so swapped nymphs for a tan klinkhammer , and immediate response , although an OOS brownie , was still a cracking fish and quickly slipped back in , perhaps twelve inches . . . .

The morning went like that with some cracking sport , albeit brownies , smashing the klinkhammer , water still pretty deep in places , and still a bit coloured , with a good flow too it !!!!!

The three hours were great fun , was hoping to locate the grayling , swapped dry for a heavy nymph on three occasions , but no joy , seemed like it was just the trout looking up for a good feed today , and the brownies are not yet in their " pulling attire " , and the seven I had today ranged from fourteen to seven inches , and some real puff in them too . Three of the fish gave me a right run around on the two weight rod .

All in all a really fun three hours , no ladies caught , but still nice to be on the Dore , shall maybe give it another bash in a few days , after a hectic weeks work , that was just the ticket !!!!!!

7 Trout


J. A. from Leominster

Saturday 1 September 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Was lovely giving the Abbey Dore beat a bash this morning , weather looked good , fourteen degrees overcast , slight breeze . . . When I turned up at quarter to nine , Perfect . Had an initial chat with the lady from Tan house Farm , then bimbled down to the beat start , water was low , with a slight cloudiness too it , however still pushing through the pools nicely , things looked good !!!!!

Tackled up with the trustee six foot two weight , and initially a small gold head PTN , had a savage take on second cast at the head of a lovely pool , cracking brownie , about twelve inches perhaps , a good start ! Second fish was a beautiful grayling , again on the PTN , in another of the deceptively deep pools on the River Dore , great fun perhaps eleven or twelve inches then slipped back in !!

Next two brownies were like peas in a pod , both about eight inches from the pools of the little river , great scrapers and quickly released . I did have another grayling of about ten inches , in superb condition , admired then released , sport was pretty varied and fun to say the least under the tight canopy of the Dore . . . There is a lot of trees down on this beat though , adds too it's charm I guess !!!

Working slowly up river , had another one more brownie on the PTN , then a bit of surface activity was evident , so on with the Parachute Adams , and had two confident rises to it , and two scrappy ten inch fish to the net , both released , Great fun !!!

Did have a lunker on for a few seconds , put up a lovely bend in the two weight rod , but alas he threw the hook , dooooooh !!!! Such is life !!!!! If your prepared for some catapult casting and scrambling , then the Dore beat is great fun . . Only short and it took me three hours , arriving at the old foot bridge at bang on midday .

Good fun , five brownies and two cracking grayling to the net , shall give this beat another bash very soon , when it's got a tad more flow to it , happy days !!!!!!!

5 Trout, 2 Grayling


R. P. from Hereford

Tuesday 12 June 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:2

Fished for 2 hours between 11am and 1pm using dry flies and caught two small brown trout. Lots of mayflies and this pattern took the trout (which were released). Certain to be excellent fishing in the evening but we had other plans unfortunately.

2 Trout


D. R. from Bristol

Thursday 7 June 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Nice stream, still a bit more coloured than it might be after last week's rain but fish taking mayfly - caught 6 and missed quite a few.

6 Trout


J. M. from London

Wednesday 6 June 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Very warm and sunny. 1 take on winged Adams but not hooked.


K. H. from Gloucester

Tuesday 29 May 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

18 Trout


K. H. from Gloucester

Saturday 19 May 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

8 Trout


M. R. from Tintern

Wednesday 16 May 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Reasonable level of water.No sign of fish other than one small trout caught on gold beaded hares ear.

1 Trout


R. H. from BATH

Saturday 3 February 2018 (7 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Winter Grayling

No. of Anglers:1

River was a bit high but fishable. No sign of any fish though. Sometimes one just fishes in hope.


T. E. from Bracknell

Saturday 22 July 2017 (7 years ago)


Beat:Abbey Dore

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

This was a great way to spend a few hours,and it didn't matter that the rain was heavy for most of it! we waded the whole stretch having plenty of bites and converting 3 small trout.2 fish to T . Everitt and 1 to A. Davis. Tactics were gold head nymphs fished on a short line. Most of the fish were caught in the lower stretch of the beat. Overgrown in places but very enjoyable.

3 Trout

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