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J. S. from Cheltenham
Saturday 16 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Only a brief visit. Waters levels quite low according to the local farmer. Mayfly hatching but very little activity ) and no interest in my hares tail fly but a lovely stretch of water to return to.
K. R. from Brecon
Friday 15 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Cracking day fishing hard going as the river was very low and could doing with some water through. Lots of fallen trees in the river which requires removing ,.Plenty of flies hatching which was nice to see the mayfly coming off but the fish were not actively taking them.
Managed to catch 2 beautiful wild brownies up to a pound , First fish taken on a size 16 caddis fly and the second fish on a size 22 parachute.
Fish easily spooked so was pleased I took my knee pads as lots of crawling to get near to fish as with overgrown trees etc casting was difficult to say the least on my 6 ft hand made rod on a dry line on a very short leader for extra accuracy.
All in all a very enjoyable day and look forward to trying again once it's had a rainy day.
2 Trout
R. D. from Dorking
Thursday 19 September 2019 (5 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
River in good condition, clear and level pretty good for September. Stonefly hatches early on but no fish rising.
Very bright and difficult fishing but I did manage a perfect but small wbt on a #19 parachute Adams drifted down a narrow riffle. Made the day.
1 Trout
R. A. from Abergavenny
Sunday 25 August 2019 (5 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
1 Trout
D. R. from Bristol
Monday 12 August 2019 (5 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Just tried for an hour this evening - water still coloured enough to make wading pretty treacherous, but I guess just about viable for fishing. I had a nice 11" fish from the Escley/Monnow junction pool, the kingfisher went past me and up the Escley, and I decided that was about as good as it was going to get today!
4 Trout
S. J. from Solihull
Sunday 30 June 2019 (5 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Ideal conditions, cool, and slight colour. The water had evidently fallen back from a real torrent recently and a lot of silt.
All this is just an excuse for not landing anything though a few small fish about & rising.
S. J. from Solihull
Sunday 23 June 2019 (5 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Heavy rain, did not fish
R. A. from Abergavenny
Saturday 1 June 2019 (5 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
1 Trout
R. A. from Abergavenny
Thursday 30 May 2019 (5 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
Enjoyable afternoon on a nice stretch of river. Water level was low but still plenty of fish moving around and managed to convince one with a brown sedge.
1 Trout
O. B. from Gloucestershire
Monday 6 May 2019 (5 years ago)
Beat:Lower Longtown
Fishing:Trout (River)
No. of Anglers:1
8 x trout 9-14 inches, Duck's Dun Baetis. Mostly 10 inch fish. A dull day, 5 to 11 degrees, with an increasing chilly wind. Nothing much hatching or rising during the morning, although I was slightly surprised to come across a solitary turkey brown. Olives did begin to hatch and some fish reacted to them after lunch.
8 Trout
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