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Feedback & Reports

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S. B. from Worcs

Thursday 12 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:On fishing Dinas & Abercynrig (Usk).....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

6 trout ?lb to 1lb lost a few too. Looks very interesting salmon water.


D. H. from Abergavenny

Monday 9 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:Fishing Bridge Meadow on the Usk....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Weather: sunny with broken cloud. Water: fast flowing and slighly coloured. Two trout taken on a March Brown nymph, fished on a sinking leader,about 12ozs each. Taken in the slower water down stream of the Bridge pool. A very pleasant few hours fishing.


C. B. from Cardiff

Sunday 8 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:A late season coarse fishing trip to the upper Wye

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Maesllwch - only one Jack Pike, but a very pleasant day, and I saw 22 species of bird as I sat there passing the time.

Pwll Y Faedda - difficult fishing with the river rising, but I had a mixed bag of trout, grayling and several chunky Chub.


P. A. from West Sussex

Saturday 7 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:On the 2009 Passport

Fishing:All Species (in season)

I just received the new "Passport" and on behalf of myself and two other fishing buddies, I want to congratulate you all on an excellent job! We have been fishing the Passport waters for a few years now and find this guide very handy as we come from great distances and rely heavily on it's contents and advice.

This time round, I think you have excelled yourselves and have got us planning more trout trips and thinking about coarse fishing the Wye for barbel!! Well done to all involved.


N. P. from Bournemouth

Saturday 7 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:Pike fishing at Maesllwch

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Searched out all the pikey looking areas with deadbaits, but no runs. River was low, but coloured. Can't wait to get back when it is fining down after a flood as there are some cracking looking swims and there must be some big pike in there.


P. W. & C. B. from Stourbridge

Saturday 7 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:On fishing the Severn Arms Voucher beat

Fishing:All Species (in season)

No trout but 4 grayling to over 2lbs. Steady flurries of dark olives from 11a.m. through to about 3.00 p.m.and fish rose for them in places.


A. N. from Bristol

Saturday 7 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:On coarse fishing at Middle Hill Court (Wye)

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Just a quick note to up date you on our catches at Middle Hill Court last Sat the 7th March 2009

2 Barbel of 7?lbs, 1 Pike of 4lbs & 1 Chub of 6lbs 3oz. Very enjoyable day!


M. D. from Abergavenny

Friday 6 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:Fishing R46 - Upper Grywne Fawr

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Thought i'd just drop a little note of my couple hours fishing the Upper Grywne (R46)... Stream was runing very clear as can be expected... Caught 6 fish of up to 12" as stated on catch return card, all great buttery condition & returned.

Ive always fancied fishing more water on this stream (upstream) so it was great to be on this particular stretch which will be a fantastic dryfly pocket water once the weather warms up a little...

Very nice chap at Ty-Isaf, asked me just to mention the fact the voucher box hasn't yet been placed on fence post and was a little concerned that folk may come & fish whilst he wasnt present at the property & nowhere for vouchers to be posted....

Anyhows, I put one of yesterdays catch at the end of a tying video I made for my good friend & fly dresser.I also placed a couple adds at the end for the Foundation & other Associates & sponsors. .. I can do this on any videos I make of my adventures in the Marches, so if you think it is a good idea or if you wish for them to be removed please let me know.... You can click on my Youtube username to view all videos I have made.. Heres the link (copy paste into search bar):


R. B. & L. B. from Cornwall

Friday 6 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:On Trout fishing at Abercamlais

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Thanks for the local knowledge . .. the beat on the river Usk was plenty long enough to challenge us in the cold weather . . there was, as you said there would be, a good hatch of dark olives? which lasted for about an hour. The trout rising well and a great sight to greet the new season. It was unfortunate that my sluggish reactions were unable to compete with the speed of the trout!

It was still a good day on river bank and look forward to some warmer ones later in the year.


G. H. from Worcester

Thursday 5 March 2009 (16 years ago)

Beat:On fishing R35 Lower Stanton Roving Voucher beat

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Caught five trout to approx 10", all on Olive Bead Head PTN

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