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Feedback & Reports

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F. B. from East Sussex

Saturday 4 October 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:On a September trip to the Wye

Fishing:All Species (in season)

2 of the rods fished for coarse fish only, the other 3 fished both fly and coarse on alternate days. Beats fished were, for coarse, mainly Letton Court,( best for Chub ) and at Builth. Sheephouse for best Barbel, Builth and Ty Newydd for Grayling and Trout. Water conditions were very low and very clear all week, but some excellent fishing was to be had. Finding the fish before fishing proved to be the answer to sucess. Probably our best fishing trip to the Wye yet with regards to the number of quality fish caught. One of the party had over 30 of the Chub alone including a pb of 6lb1oz. Each person fishing had P.B's of more than 1 type of fish during the week.

Thanks for all your support, hard work & excellent service, information & advice. See you again very soon.


A. S. from Bewdley

Friday 3 October 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:Late September at Lyepole

Fishing:All Species (in season)

I had a lovely day at Lyepole yesterday, cold and misty in the morning, brightening to warm sunshine from 11am.

The river was a nice summer level, clear and with a bit of a chill from the cold nights.

Six fish caught, 4 grayling and 2 trout. few missed and 3 or 4 dropped
off before the net. The trout were small, (8") but very beautiful, 2 of the grayling were outstanding, one at about 2ib and another about a pound with a similar one dropping off the barbless hook. One trout caught on a size 14 CDC shuttlecock, but very little surface activity in evidence.

All of the rest caught on size 14 or 14 longshank Gold
Bead GRHE fished upstream with an indicator, (sorry), and one on a small coch y bon.

Fishery is in good condition with obvious increase in bankside growth since my visit in the Spring but not too bad for access. I hate the barbed wire but think the stiles are excellent but could be a bit lower to allow for the creaky joints of elderly piscators.

There is a tree down across the river above the fast water on the sharp bend a few hundred yards above the bridge but does not appear to be causing any trouble at the moment.

Thanks for providing us with a lovely facility in an outstandingly beautiful location. I had the whole stretch to myself and enjoyed the day immensely. The fish were a bonus.

Alan Southall


C. L. from Kent

Friday 3 October 2008 (16 years ago)


Fishing:All Species (in season)

rivers-beats: Wye, Pyll-y-Faedda
weather: sunny intervals
conditions: High but fairly clear
fly-hatches: olives, sedges

num-rods: 2
Date1: 18/09/2008
Species1: grayling
Number1: 23
Size1: 6oz to 1 lb 6oz

caught-on1: all on upstream/across Dry flies-small klinkamers and spinner patterns
comments: we had a lovely calm afternoon and early evening with some rising fish to cast to.


T. D. from Bristol

Friday 3 October 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:Fishing the Usk

Fishing:All Species (in season)

It was a lovely September day with quite reasonable hatches of olives and sedges but very few fish moving. I saw just two trout and one salmon, but caught none.....that's fishing and the reason why we always go again!


P. L. from Lincolnshire

Thursday 2 October 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:On fishing the lower Wye in high water....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

weather: Sunny, with a fresh squally wind at times.

conditions: Would have estimated carrying around 2 feet of fresh water due to weed and debris being washed down river.

num-rods: 4

comments: Total fish landed, 3 Chub to 5lb's 4oz, 8 Barbel between 5lb and 10lb 8oz, which was a personal best landed from the Vanstone. All fish caught on pellet. Access was very limited due to high water levels, many swims were also overgrown with vegetation. The joys and challenge of fishing non match fished waters, consisting of bare mud banks.


J. B. from Shropshire

Thursday 2 October 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:On fishing the lower Wye.

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Started off slow, lost a barbel early on and my friend Darren had a hook straightend. The barbel came late on, me having 4 on corn and Darren taking 6 on pellet. I was snapped twice. Thanks to every one at the wye & usk, keep up the great work..


S. B. from East Sussex

Tuesday 30 September 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:Sheephouse Report

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Sept 23rd 24th & 25th 2008 at Sheephouse

weather: dry, overcast, NE wind. Conditions: fairly low and v clear

number of rods 2

1st Day : 8 Chub up to 4lb 8oz
caught on pellet/corn

2nd Day : 3 Chub to 4lb, 1 Barbel to 8lb 10oz
caught-on2: pellet/corn

3rd Day : 4 Barbel 6lb 4oz, 7lb 10oz, 10lb 4oz, 10lb 8oz!
caught-on3: corn

Worried on the first day. met the bailiff who told us there were no barbel there, adding "dont listen to those fools at Builth, they know nothin" ! Eventually located some fish on the 2nd day and as you can see, had a great last day. thank you guys.


P. & J. B. from Cheltenham

Sunday 28 September 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:Gromain delivers

Fishing:All Species (in season)

What can we say? After a difficult couple of days in Wales after salmon we wanted a classical dry fly end to our season. And as so often before Gromain delivered the goods. A very relaxed days fishing - even stopped for an hour in middle of day to tie some more flies on the river bank. Not many fish rising but a well presented fly in the right spot would soon bring up a willing taker.

Once again - thank you all for a superb seasons fishing.

WUF Notes : Conditions: 1ft on guage - clear. Fly-hatches: Needle flies predominated - large and small olives too.

14 x Grayling to 1?lbs. On para ginger quill
17 x Trout to 1lb. On para ginger quill


A. S. from Worcestershire

Saturday 27 September 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:Trout Fishing at Lyepole (Lugg)

Fishing:All Species (in season)

I had a lovely day at Lyepole yesterday, cold and misty in the morning, brightening to warm sunshine from 11am.

The river was a nice summer level, clear and with a bit of a chill from the cold nights.

Six fish caught, 4 grayling and 2 trout. few missed and 3 or 4 dropped off before the net. The trout were small, (8") but very beautiful, 2 of the grayling were outstanding, one at about 2lb and another about a pound with a similar one dropping off the barbless hook. One trout caught on a size 14 CDC shuttlecock, but very little surface activity
in evidence. All of the rest caught on size 14 or 14 longshank Gold Bead GRHE fished upstream with an indicator, (sorry), and one on a
small coch y bon.

Fishery is in good condition with obvious increase in bankside growth since my visit in the Spring but not too bad for access. I hate the barbed wire but think the stiles are excellent but could be a bit lower to allow for the creaky joints of elderly piscators.

There is a tree down across the river above the fast water on the sharp bend a few hundred yards above the bridge but does not appear to be causing any trouble at the moment.

Thanks for providing us with a lovely facility in an outstandingly beautiful location. I had the whole stretch to myself and enjoyed the day immensely. The fish were a bonus.


A. L. & A. T. from London

Saturday 27 September 2008 (16 years ago)

Beat:Not for the faint-hearted

Fishing:All Species (in season)

A beautiful beat but not for the faint-hearted. The wading can very hairy and a wading staff is essential in my view. Plenty of fish, but generally small - I'm sure the big ones are in there but not many showed themselves. We were plagued by salmon parr which although nice to see, could not be avoided on any method.

WUF Notes : 2 x rods fishing. Weather, sunny and warm (eventually). Conditions, clear, showing 11 inches on the guage

Fly-hatches: very few - some pale wateries and some sedge

20+ Trout mainly around 6 inches, best about 10 inches
Caught-on dry sedges + north country spiders

30+ Grayling mainly small, but 3 around 1lb and one of 1?lbs
Caught-on nymphs, dry sedge and ducks dun, north country spiders

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