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Feedback & Reports

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O. B. from Glos

Monday 15 October 2007 (17 years ago)

Beat:On grayling fishing the upper Wye....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Pwll y Faedda 12 October - this was supposed to be a grayling day. Actually it was quite a good day, although a lot of smaller fish - 14 up to 11/2 pounds and 16 out of season trout, and with olives hatching all the time.
The odd one out was a coloured cock salmon of 34.5 inches, which rose very delicately in the middle of a shoal of grayling and sucked in the North Country spider on the point. He told me later, as I was removing the size 16 Hare's Lug and Plover from his cavernous maw, that he had taken it because he was sick of seeing Bann Shrimps whizzing past him every day - tell Simon! Released unharmed.


R. L. from Hong Kong

Sunday 14 October 2007 (17 years ago)


Fishing:All Species (in season)

My stay in the UK has come to an end after a very enjoyable 13 year period. The Wye and Usk have given me so many memorable moments, and because of that, I'd like to see if I can spend some time with them for one more time, before my departure in Xmas. Knowing that both trout and salmon are out of season, grayling and course are probably the only choice.


B. H. from Devon

Saturday 13 October 2007 (17 years ago)


Fishing:All Species (in season)

Barbel really are the most magnificent fish. The Wye is the most marvellous river and Backney is a lovely beat. The pipe works were not intrusive but once they are finished it will be better still. I managed five Barbel to just under 10lbs and a number of nice chub. All to small (11mm) pellets. A thoroughly enjoyable day.


A. D. from Dorset

Saturday 13 October 2007 (17 years ago)

Beat:On salmon fishing at White House....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Many thanks for your advice on fishing the White House fishery last friday. Had an enjoyable day had two fish on but unfortuantely nothing landed! Seemed to be a few stale residents around which lept about during the day and great fun having them slash at a collie dog!
Met the owner who was very helpful and pointed out a few lies and how to get at them. The "grandstand" pool was a joy to fish but the bits upstream a bit tricky; a deep wade on a bank out in the river to cast to the opposite croys below their hut (the little middle croy I had one fish on) but with a deeper channel on the inside getting in/out was difficult! However a good day and great value and suited youngsters like Huw and me!
Many thanks and look forward to the spring. Hope to get over a bit more often!


A. B. from Dorset

Friday 12 October 2007 (17 years ago)

Beat:On the web gauges.....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

I would like to thank you for providing this information online. I travel to fish the river Wye at Hay, from Dorset, and the journey of 140 miles can now be made knowing the condition of the river is fishable.
I am sure that hundreds of anglers will be greatful for this service.


M. W. from Worcs

Thursday 11 October 2007 (17 years ago)

Beat:On grayling fishing the Irfon...

Fishing:All Species (in season)

24 fish caught between the 2 of us, mostly Grayling. Although conditions seemed perfect there didn't seem to be much of a rise as we had seen on previous visits. There is so much water to fish here its hard to find where the fish are shoaled up, although we are starting to build up an idea of certain hotspots, but i'm sure this will all change on our next visit!


F. W. from Glos

Monday 8 October 2007 (17 years ago)

Beat:On fishing the Dore....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

18 Grayling biggest to about 14 inches and 2 Brown Trout around 10 inches.
The beat is really beautiful but could do with just a little more trimming. I would in no way let this put you off fishing it, as the catch return from above is for a short afternoon session about 3 hours.
If this beat stays so under fished it should provide excellent sport for those of us who know it is there.


S. A. from London

Monday 8 October 2007 (17 years ago)

Beat:On fishing the Irfon and upper Wye....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

My son and I fished this wonderful water (Cefnllysgwynne)last Thursday. What a lovely river. Our catch report is rather poor. We both had several small grayling with 'bugs' out of shallow, fast water but the surroundings were excellent. Charles was both helpful and equally surprised we caught so little but that is fishing......or maybe we were poor fishers. Whatever we will fish it again.

FYI we fished your beat 3 last Wednesday afternoon/evening and Tom took 7 excellent grayling from the top pool whilst I managed a few tiddlers a the lower end of the beat. On Friday we fished your beat 25. We managed to touch a couple of fish, possibly trout, from the deeper pools but nothing on the bank. The day was wonderfully bright and we were soundly beaten by the fish! Superb autumn weather and difficult water for us.

Such great fun. Thank you for your assistance and we will see you again.


L. C. from Herefordshire

Monday 8 October 2007 (17 years ago)

Beat:On grayling fishing the Irfon....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Many thanks for arranging the fishing at Llanfechan on 6th October. It is stunningly beautiful. We caught 2 grayling - one of almost 1lb 8oz and lost many.


W. B. from Worcestershire

Friday 5 October 2007 (17 years ago)

Beat:On autumn grayling fishing.....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

My faith in grayling stocks is restored. I spent a day on the Llangamarch lower beat of the Irfon yesterday with ten fish four over 40 cm all on dry red sedge. There were some good shoals of fish to be found and good numbers rising. A salmon was cruising the deepest pool. Not a sight of an otter though! Thanks for your advice.

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