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Feedback & Reports

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A. L. from London

Thursday 14 September 2006 (18 years ago)

Beat:On fishing the middle/upper Usk...

Fishing:All Species (in season)

I had a nice day at Glanusk Ty Mawr yesterday. A reasonable hatch of small upwings in the morning and I caught a few smallish fish on a CDC dun. Not too much happening on the surface in the afternoon and had a few more small ones (6-8 inches) on wet flies. By around 5.30pm the sedge started to show and a few trout were leaping out of the water. First cast with a size 16 Elk Hair Caddis tempted a 2lb brown ? super fish. By around 7pm, there were lots of spinners in the air but I had to go. I cursed under my breath many times as I watched many trout sipping the spinners as I put my fishing tackle into the boot of my car ? one of the downsides of living in London.

The water was a little low but not too bad. I?d imagine that this beat would fish brilliantly with another 8 inches of water.

I saw at least one salmon (7-8lbs) showing towards the bottom of the beat and possibly another small salmon or very large trout leapt out of the water in the pool by the fishing hut ? about 4-5lbs.


M. R. from West Mids

Friday 8 September 2006 (18 years ago)


Fishing:All Species (in season)

Hi, I used my roving vouchers for the first time today, on the Edw beat 12. I had a cracking 15oz brown (returned unharmed) which was in fantastic condition and put up a terrific fight. I look forward to next season, as this one draws to a close. I am happy to end this years river trout fishing on a high. All the best & keep up the good work.


J. P. from Somerset

Thursday 7 September 2006 (18 years ago)

Beat:On fishing the Usk....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Thank you on behalf of my guest and myself for a truly memorable day's fishing. A wonderful stretch of river in beuatiful surroundings - we fully intend to return next season (hopefully more than once!). Please also pass on our thanks to Stuart Jarvis for his excellent company, knowledge of the river and instruction.


M. A. from Northants

Tuesday 5 September 2006 (18 years ago)


Fishing:All Species (in season)

Coarse fishing on the Wye at Holme Lacy, 31st august '06.
A brilliant days fishing with me, my dad and my brother catching nine chub and severn barbel between us.
I caught four chub to 5lb and one perfect barbel of 6lb 8oz. My Dad caught two chub 5lb and two barbel to 7lb 8oz. My brother caught the most with three chub to 4lb and then four barbel to 8lb 8oz.
Brilliant fishing on a healthy looking river Wye. No keepnets were used and after a quick photo of a couple of fish they were all returned safe and well.
Looking forward to booking our next trip!


J. N. from London

Monday 4 September 2006 (18 years ago)

Beat:On a first visit to the Usk.....

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Herewith a short note to thank both you and Wendy for all your support and advice on my 1st taste of fishing the Usk and its tributaries.

It was fantastic and I?m sure to return as soon as I possibly can.


C. E. from Suffolk

Monday 4 September 2006 (18 years ago)


Fishing:All Species (in season)

Just a note to update you on the fishing here on Friday. I fished from about 2.30 to 8pm in the end. 8 barbel and 9 chub in total.

4 small barbel in the 2 - 4lb bracket and 4 bigger fish over 7lb the biggest which went to 8lb 5oz. Lost what seemed like a good double which literally straightened the hook after an awesome fight and another which cleverly transferred me to a snag, it's certainly no place for light tackle! The stamp of the chub was impressive with most of the catch made up of 4-5lbers....

....So all in all, fantastic fishing - many thanks.


A. M. from Worcs

Saturday 2 September 2006 (18 years ago)

Beat:On coarse fishing the middle Wye...

Fishing:All Species (in season)

Best days fishing ever will return very, very soon.


A. L. from London

Tuesday 29 August 2006 (18 years ago)


Fishing:All Species (in season)

Doldowlod ? caught 3 grayling, the best of which was around 2.5lbs (my best ever) and lost 2 decent fish. All returned. Sparse hatches throughout the day and the water seemed rather low and gin clear ? not easy but hugely enjoyable.

Fenni Fach ? 2 small trout saved a difficult day (returned of course). The water was dropping through the day and again, the water was incredibly clear which made the trout very spooky indeed. Lost one cracking fish at the end of the day. Reasonable hatches of small and medium upwinged flies through the day. Again, hugely enjoyable and the surroundings on this beat are absolutely stunning. Had I not had to return to London by late afternoon, I sense that the evening would have been a lot more productive as the hatches were gathering momentum from around 4pm and I dare say that some of the better fish would?ve come out to play in the fading light.

Thanks for sorting everything out. I?ll be back soon!


J. B. from London

Tuesday 29 August 2006 (18 years ago)


Fishing:All Species (in season)

Hope all is well. Thanks for organising the trip - we had a great time. The weather was amazingly good and the trout were fighting! We only kept 3 fish - all grayling, taken from Ty-Newydd, all around the 1lb size. We had success with the trout thoughout the three days, and I was surprised how well they fought for their size...


L. W. from Essex

Wednesday 23 August 2006 (18 years ago)

Beat:On coarse fishing the middle Wye......

Fishing:All Species (in season)

What can I say ? a fantastic stretch of river and all to ourselves.

Coming from Essex we have a shortage of good strong rivers to fish and this was simply heaven for my friend and I. We have searched for wild surroundings and wild fish and now have found it.

We caught 3 x Barbel up to 8lbs and all swam away strongly after a short rest and were all in good condition(and no break offs !!) This stretch would have to be one of the best Chub stretches I have ever fished with all fish well over 4lbs and the best running to nearly 7lb, and to keep us purists happy Dace, Roach and Chub all came to the stick float and centrepin. There was even a 3? long Rainbow Trout with a liking for Corn!

Our thanks for supplying an outstanding fishery and we will be back. I am so pleased to hear you want to keep this stretch away from the fishing pressure that now exists with a lot of the Severn , Avon etc.

I will contact you in the near future but are planning a two day stint in the Autumn.

Finally I have to say you are extremely lucky to have this piece of Angling Heaven on your doorstep set amongst beautiful countryside. Thanks again ?

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