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Feedback & Reports

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G. A. from London

Saturday 26 May 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Lovely session from 6pm to 9pm with many flies hatching and good surface activity. Trouts very most active at sunset, going after the (I believe) large may flies (Ephemera Danica) that very present in large number that afternoon. I fished the upper half of the beat, starting at the Tan house campsite where I was staying and wading upstream. Great stream with succession of pools and faster sections with plenty of good spots. I was lucky to catch all the fish my biggest deer based dry flies (hook 16 but I wished I had bigger versions). 8 fish caught, the biggest around 10'' but lively and energetic animals. I will come back!

8 Trout


O. B. from Gloucestershire

Wednesday 23 May 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

6 x trout 6-10 inches, Monnow Gosling. Rather a slow start today - still not so many natural rises - but they do seem to be switching on to a big fly. Nearly trod on a huge eel.

6 Trout


R. D. from Dorking

Tuesday 22 May 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Hot and bright. This is a really lovely stretch of the Monnow that I fished and waded carefully for a couple of hours or so in the morning, trying to keep out of the sun, sheep sheltering by the water with the same motivation. I shall certainly return before the season is through.
Not very much fly life, occasional Mayfly, sedges , the bright yellow mayfly (heptagenidae) .
But then I saw a small rise at the head of a pool - not the one where the brook enters but further downstream. I chucked my Mayfly pattern and waited and was taken by a monster! Fully 2+ pounds - it was longer than the opening in my wooden net! It was one of the best wild brown trout I have seen, beautifully marked, deep and wide, quite the best fish I have caught on the Monnow. And I must say it gave a real test to my 6ft split cane 3wt rod! A great morning .

1 Trout


M. S. from Monmouth

Saturday 12 May 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:2

10 Trout


J. B. from Chepstow

Monday 7 May 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

6 Trout


A. P. from Cheltenham

Monday 9 April 2018 (6 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Water still very high and coming through fast but clear. Very little fly life with just a few rises to the odd LDO in the early afternoon. Just one take (a very pale, beautifully marked and fighting fit 8” fish) on a weighted pheasant tail nymph. Very pleasant late start to the season and good to have some morning sunshine before the rain set in.

1 Trout


J. H. from Welwyn

Thursday 28 September 2017 (7 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Fished morning only. Fine & warm, river up a bit after last night's heavy rain, but almost no fish showing.
Just one trout of c.1/2 lb from Escley junction

1 Trout


J. P. from Liverpool

Saturday 23 September 2017 (7 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Due to various unexpected circumstances only managed an hour's fishing in the late morning. River was unexpectedly low. Not much of any hatch and no fish rising. Tried various combinations of dry fly and nymphs but no luck at all.


R. A. from Holme Lacy

Wednesday 20 September 2017 (7 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

river very low but just about fishable. There were a few rises but none of them consistent. I fished a small dry fly.


J. L. from Oxford

Sunday 17 September 2017 (7 years ago)


Beat:Lower Longtown

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

3 Trout

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