Approximately ¾ mile of left bank fishing on the lower River Wye, a mile downstream of Redbrook and about three miles above Bigsweir. This part of the river flows through a wooded, steep-sided valley and is where the river's most prolific salmon fisheries are located.

The beat has 9 named pools , receives fresh fish from the tide most days and has good fly and spinning water. (Fly only from 1st June). It starts below the famous Cadora Pool , with Cadora Tail, and continues down to Digby’s at the bottom boundary.

The fishery has secure, off-road parking close to the river although the hut is retained for private use only. There are some croys to fish from in the middle and lower sections. Steps and ladders make access to the pools fairly easy.

Wading difficulty is varied, with some deep wading on a largely gravel riverbed with the occasional boulder, in lower water (below 750mm on Redbrook gauge), the top half of the beat is wadeable with care.

Rules and Regulations
  • National bye-laws must be observed and it is up to anglers to familiarise themselves with these.
  • Catch & Release for salmon at all times
  • Dogs allowed but must be kept under control at all times
  • Spinning must be with single hooks only
  • This Beat operates a Wash-Off Policy
  • Fly only from 1st June

Availability & Booking

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Ticket Price Info below If applicable, any booking fee will be included at Checkout
Max number of tickets per day:
Full Day £70.00