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Feedback & Reports

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L. C. from Ledbury

Saturday 23 March 2024 (6 months ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Very overgrown and unkept.


A. J. from Lifton

Sunday 4 September 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Almost inacessie


J. A. from Leominster

Tuesday 7 May 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Nice to head down after shift , just a chilled three hours , muggy , overcast , the odd bit of sun peeking through , and lots of insect life , upwings and hawthorns , with the heavy still air !!!! Perfect conditions for getting your fly in the right place on the Pinsley Brook . . . . . .

It's starting to get a bit of a nightmare here with vegetation now , and perhaps squeeze in one more session here during the Mayfly . . . . Went to the usual haunts this afternoon , right up the top on the WUF beat , and also a private section , sport was a bit of fun , first one was on a CDC and elk , surprised me , as prospecting dry , hammered it in the feed lane !!!! Happy days , only small lovely colours , seven inches maybe . .

Trying a new furled leader , and works a treat with small dries on the six foot two weight rod , spot on , nice and delicate and working well in the tricky water conditions . . . . . And always clear as gin here so nice to get it weathered in on its first trip !!!!!

A Kingfisher was busy whizzing up and down the tight stream , and so were the magpies , working the hedge line for eggs , oblivious to me in the Brook !!!!! And no doubt totally unaware that they are now untouchable and not classed as Vermin !!!!!!

Second little fish , was a splashy rise , again on the CDC and elk , perhaps six inches , and quickly slipped back in . Great fun , really alive with activity in the Brook this afternoon , and nice to get a quick session in before the rain !!! Back soon , lovely couple of hour escapism as always!!!!!!!

2 Trout


J. A. from Leominster

Thursday 2 May 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

A quick mooch upstream on the WUF beat , funny weather when I bowled up , clear for a while , then breezy , then showers , and that's how it went for the two hours I was there . . . Till I left at half two !

A bit of activity with upwings , and the clumsy flight of hawthorns , trailing their legs behind them , and a good few on the water , only saw one splashy rise . . . So opted for a small black klinkhammer , which after some struggling in the usual places , did tempt one , pretty little brownie , possibly about eight inches , quickly slipped back in the lovely clear water .

The invertebrae on the stream bed is immense , and within the lush weeds , is so much activity , with a kick sample in the net , which was actually moving with the amount of insect life !!!!!!!!

The cows with their calves were keeping an eye on my activity in the stream , and I made sure my covert manoeuvres were kept within the stream , as they were getting very inquisitive , as they always do . . . . Best keep clear of cows with young calfs , top tip !!!!! It's tricky here , because the fencing , some old and the new barbed wire , is very close to the stream , makes things dam difficult !

So a fun couple of hours , it's starting to get more vegetation and less water , so tricky stuff , and catapult casting in most of the likely haunts is a must . . . . Still great fun , could do with some tlc to get this stream back to its former glory . . . . . It's a cracker , and some lovely little brownies are in here !!!!! Back soon . . . . Happy days !

1 Trout


J. A. from Leominster

Wednesday 24 April 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Well , up at sparrows fart again , on a day off , that initially looked good , as I mooched in the fields with the dog , it felt heavy and cloudy with sun trying to break through , looking like rain later . . . .

So two hours on the usual haunts down the Pinsley Brook , WUF sections and private , and a few fun hours the last week or so I've had here , great feisty little fish , miniature Rocky Balboas !!!!!!!!

Tiny Parachute Adams , not a sniff , clever fish these wild brownies , been using an Adams here regularly , so changed to a black klinkhammer , and shallow section going into deep pool , nice splashy rise , lovely fish , admired then slipped back in . Once again glad I was using my old Barbour neoprene waders , Great for stomping through anything !!!! This isn't the place for top notch Simms waders !!! Must admit I do sweat buckets in them , but worth it for some close range dry fly action!!!

Two this morning , both good takes on the black klinkhammer , loads of insect life in and around this little Brook , fish both about nine inches , great condition as always . They've got an extensive larder to pick and choose from here , so always in good nick . A fun early morning , back to the Ponderosa , pooch out for a bit then a quick three mile run before the rain comes in , happy days !!!!!!

2 Trout


J. A. from Leominster

Tuesday 23 April 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

No. of Anglers:1

Just a very quick mooch , dinner time before doing the mowing . . . Another warm day , so was a bit optimistic tying on a small Parachute Adams . . .

Worked the usual beats of the Pinsley , only for couple of hours , and targeted the usual haunts that are workable , just about , with some catapult casting and working my way upstream on my knees , good job I've been using plactic reinforced knee pads that are supposed to be used for skate boarding I think !!!! Does the job perfectly !!!

Anyway , just the one small fish , about nine inches , superb splashy rise , nailed it , lovely colours as always , slipped back into the clear water , good fun , again I'm sure there will be some activity tonight , about eightish . . . May even be tempted to head down again later , choice choices , tough call hey ; between Emmerdale and catching wild brownies on the dry !!!!!!! An obvious winner id say ha ha , back very soon , sorted !!!!!

1 Trout


J. A. from Leominster

Monday 22 April 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Just a quick hour and a half on the Pinsley Brook , the usual two beats , WUF and private one , fished from six , still muggy but the sun loosing its shine for the day , and casting long shadows . . . thankfully . . . .

Usual haunts , just watching the water , then sneaking covertly into position , takes some doing , although the first fish, I managed to get within five yards and still splashy rises , kneeeling in the water , and getting closer and closer , then a catapult cast , bang first fish on , feisty little seven inch brownie , quivpckly released !!!!

Same tactic on second fish , sneaking up to a rise , Parachute Adams again , and got very close , released fly and thankfully landed delicately , in his feed lane and wallop , another on , perhaps eight inches , went ballistic in the clear water !!!!

Last fish , caught about ten to eight , same stamp , and the one place I can actually cast , and text book , nice rise to the eighteen Adams , great fun , and a fun hour and a half , rounding off a very pleasant weekend , time to hit home for a coooooooool amber nectar !!!!!! Back soon !!!!!!

3 Trout


A. P. from Dudley

Saturday 20 April 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

This was my first visit to this stretch and after parking up and walking upstream along the beat I feel that small and overgrown for the first part cannot be stressed enough! After a few casts in fishy looking areas I decided with the bright sun just starting to heat up mid-morning my best chances would be to move on to another beat. No fish caught.


J. A. from Leominster

Tuesday 16 April 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Just a quick mooch this morning , couple of hours , on WUF stretch and private stretch , better day fishing wise than yesterday , muggy overcast , slight drizzle , looked good !!!

Usual rig for the small streams , six foot , two weight headed up to where there is normally some feisty trout lying up !!! And lo and behold in a dam awkward position a rise , , he was sat right in the food lane , picking off morsels which I couldn't see what they were !! A shrewd guesstimate , on with a small black klinkhammer , and after getting on my knees in the Brook and shimmying into position managed a catapult cast which was short , another and eventually on target , and wallop , took , it a very satisfying splashy rise , only eight inches perhaps , but well earned and a good tactical approach I say so myself. !!!!!!,

Always good fun here , no more surface activity , although water quality is looking superb , I'm sure there are some lumps hidden away here , as the aquatic life is varied , and loads of it !!!!!A trouts KFC on tap for sure . . . . .

Well a fun two hours , pleased with the one , will be good fun in evenings next month , only viable in a few spots to be honest , and a bit more open further down !! Good fun back soon . . . . . . . . . . .

1 Trout


J. A. from Leominster

Friday 29 March 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Lugg & Arrow

Beat:Pinsley Brook

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Having had a ball at Litton this morning , and into the early part of the afternoon , I tpreturned home had the pooch out for a couple of hour s and decided with the weather as it was to grab an hour or two down at the Pinsley Brook , covering the WUF beat and another short private stretch . . . . .

Well it was a fun couple of hours , from half three till half five , lots of insect activity , and even a couple of splashy excitable rises , good to see , so on with a tiny PTN. Nymph for starters in two areas I know have scored before , and which is quite deep water , with the Pinsley running at a lovely height now . . . . . . .

One fish , about eight inches , and boy did he go , really fought double his size , cracking little fish , quickly admired and popped back in . The water quality here is staggering , it's just a shame the whole length of the Brook isn't given a full Brook overhaul , as it's been left unloved I feel for many years , a fun couple of hours , and nice to get one in the net from here , spot on . . . . . Home for a glass of amber nectar me thinks !!!!!!

1 Trout

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