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H. D. from Coral Gables

Thursday 5 September 2024 (1 month ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

A little hard work for four fish in 5 hours. There wasn't much of a hatch but I wanted to dry fly fish. The photo shows the best by far of the bunch.

4 Trout


A. A. from Norwich

Monday 2 September 2024 (1 month ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Overcast, rainy spells. River slightly coloured (and getting more so). Today was sub- optimal all round. This was my first visit to this river. Very little fly life - I think I saw one rise all day. The river is quite hard going, very tree-hung, making for a bow and arrow kind of day. Added to all this I fished amazingly badly, and donated quite a few flies to the vegetation. The fish I did manage to catch were small but beautiful and dark.

7 Trout



Monday 24 June 2024 (3 months ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Fished above the bridge and the water looked fairly low but still good.
Moved along very carefully ,watched and waited, cast a variety of the usual productive flies prospectively into juicy spots and runs but nowt, nothing ( apart from a couple or so greedy tiddlers having a go ) and no sign of fish and no real fly too, even late in to the evening.
A proper conundrum to me still as such good water for it !
Still it is lovely and peaceful up there for sure , the lovely Beacons in the distance and think I will take the nymphs box next time or maybe even micro streamers.

Oh ,yes, be advised theres a bull in the field there too ! Snuck up on me he did all quiet like along with his lady friends coming down for a drink! I could have poked him with the rod tip almost and he seemed more bemused than angry at the fool in front of him but I still dont trust 'em and its quite amazing how quick you can wade over rocks that under normal circumstance have you stumbling and sliding a bit !


D. B. from Sandwich

Monday 20 May 2024 (4 months ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Lovely stretch, only managed to fish for 30 mins and lost a couple of fish on small gold head nymphs. Wil return with more time to explore.



Thursday 7 September 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

First time for me on this beat and a cracker it is too I think . Definitely high gradient and definitely so below the bridge but huge fun to fish up it ! Moved quite a few in the pots and runs but damn they where fast ! Or maybe I was just plain slow in the heat...
Definite change of character above the bridge and waterfalls there with quite an amazing amount of great really fishy looking runs and pools as you work up. Good size and depth to them too.A fair bit of troublesome tree cover about though and would be fabulous indeed if it had just a bit of a trim back!
Not as bad as some of the other wild streams I feel which really are getting more than quite difficult these days in places which is a pity. Grumble over...
I just couldnt buy a bite up there though today to any usually effective dry terrestrial pattern. I'm sure they must be there, waters just too good looking not to be but can only hope goosanders/otter havent nobbled too many.
Riverbed and wading was great. No algae!Any bugs on the rocks and stones seemed fairly sparse though.
At the big 'hump' the second field (or was it third? cant recall now but you wont miss it!) I found it best to drop in the river there were the fence line goes down to the river and wade up, its fine , a bit tough going and very very wild and woolly up there but some lovely little pools/runs up there though.
Really looking forward to getting back on it and find those elusive fish. Maybe its a bit more of an early season stream like the mainstem Usk? Only one way to find out !
Felt like quite a 'long' 3/4 mile stretch too me too.
Oh , and if one does wade up past the 'hump' its not too much of a slog walking back up the hill and field on the way back downstream.


C. T. from Cardiff

Sunday 23 July 2023 (1 year ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

No. of Anglers:2

A quick early morning visit to this beat, following heavy rain night before. The river was still in spate, so perhaps just a tad high. We did catch 5 trout and lost a few, small fish up to 8 inches. We went elsewhere after an hour due to the colour. The access is good especially above the bridge, where the pool structure and habitat is really 'fishy'.

5 Trout


A. B. from Ely

Thursday 28 July 2022 (2 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

More or less unfishable with a 7'6" rod. Trees right down to the river; banks too high to scramble in and out of. Might have been fun earlier in the season, with less foliage and more water. i did try midway up the beat as well, where there is a track down by the fishing hut. Unable to make progress upstream for obstacles. Bedrock very slippery. Apart from that, an astonishingly beautiful and secluded valley.


R. E. from London

Saturday 22 May 2021 (3 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1



J. A. from Leominster

Tuesday 10 September 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Been wanting to give the Lower Cilieni a bash for ages , so mooched off to the Parc Fishery near Sennybridge this morning , arriving near the bridge pull in at ten fifteen . . . . Could hear the river and to be honest nearly did an about turn to the Llynfi at Pontithel , but decided to give it a bash even though it was a bit coloured and running a bit high still from yesterday's rain. . . . . .

Bimbled down to bottom.of beat , were it meets the Usk , lovely looking stream and great variety of water , deep pools nice dry fly runs and riffles and some great nymphing water too . . . Which I initially started on , a small Copper John , caught a lovely seven inch brownie, searching the water was tricky below the bridge as pacey and coloured , wading was pretty tough too , as couldn't see the bottom !!

Cracked on , and further up above the bridge is more open water , sort of reminds me of the Lugg and in places the Llynfi , some lovely water, so changed to a Parachute Olive , and had two in quick succession , lovely little fast feisty fish, fourth one was from slower deeper water , and an absolute beauty , about eleven or twelve inches , superb markings too and quickly slipped back in , a lovely take on the Parachute dry too !!!!!

Last fish again on the Para Olive , was a small feisty fish in the faster shallower water , shame it was coloured up, reckon a lot more fish would have come up to my prospected dry , oh well a lovely four hours here , and five superbly marked Cilieni brownies to hand , great fun will definitely head here again soon , in lower clearer conditions , which will be really fun I think . . . . A fun morning in a peaceful valley . . . . Spot on !!!!!!!!

5 Trout


L. B. from Bude

Thursday 28 March 2019 (5 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Parc Fishery

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Perhaps a little too early in the year for this nice looking beat. The section below the bridge is fast and tumbling, above the bridge is slower in character and has larger runs and glides. Plenty of nymphs in the river, not many hatching. And no sign of trout. An interesting wild stream.

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