The Duhonw is an attractive trout stream running into the Wye close to Builth Wells. Once you walk up past the overgrown first few yards, the river opens out and it is much easier to get a cast away. There are then a number of key pools separated by lengthy shallow riffles. These pools hold trout of over a pound although the average size for this beat (and for the Duhonw as a whole) is more like 6 to 8oz. The last 500 yards above the road bridge runs through a steep sided gorge where the wading is much harder.

Ideally fished with 6½-7½ft, 2 to 3wt rod.

Rules and Regulations
  • National bye-laws must be observed and it is up to anglers to familiarise themselves with these.
  • Catch & release for all species
  • No Dogs Allowed
  • Flyfishing only