The Llynfi and its tributary, the Llynfi Dulas, have many of the characteristics of Usk streams, running red when in flood for example. These small streams hold one of the highest densities of trout of the Wye tributaries, with plenty of 1lb+ fish. They have a spectacular mayfly hatch - be there for that if you can!

Stealth is required to fish these streams effectively. Wade carefully - walking on the high banks will mean that you are often silhouetted against the sky. A few anglers have been surprised at how small this river is but when fished properly with the right tackle and tactics, it can produce spectacular results.

Over 4 miles of fishing is available on the Llynfi and Llynfi Dulas via the Wild Streams with another mile of Llynfi accessible through the Booking Office. In addition to the wild
trout, the Llynfi also holds good numbers of grayling.

The middle Llynfi Dulas beat is over 1 mile of single bank fishing extending upstream from Tregunter Farm, finishing at Pont-y-Bat bridge. Although it is possible to fish this beat in thigh waders, chest waders are really required to get the best out of the fishing. Watch out for the pool where the Triffrwd Brook joins - you might want to check the strength of your leader before casting a nymph into its shadowy depths!

Ideally fished with a 6½-7½ft, 2 to 4wt rod.

Rules and Regulations
  • Flyfishing only
  • No Dogs Allowed
  • 2 trout can be taken per rod. Anything under 9" must be returned (byelaw)
  • National bye-laws must be observed and it is up to anglers to familiarise themselves with these.