The Llynfi and its tributary, the Llynfi Dulas, have many of the characteristics of Usk streams, running red when in flood for example. These small streams hold one of the highest densities of trout of the Wye tributaries, with plenty of 1lb+ fish. They have a spectacular mayfly hatch - be there for that if you can!

Stealth is required to fish these streams effectively. Wade carefully - walking on the high banks will mean that you are often silhouetted against the sky. A few anglers have been surprised at how small this river is but when fished properly with the right tackle and tactics, it can produce spectacular results.

The Pontithel beat is approximately ¾ of a mile of double bank fishing on the river Llynfi, 2 miles upstream of the confluence with the river Wye. This part of the river is wide and fast flowing, over a gravel and boulder river bed. Being not far from the main river it holds a variety of fish species, but trout and grayling are the main quarry, with some large fish present.

Access to the river is easy and the wading straight forward, although felt/studded soles are necessary to navigate the stretch safely. There are some large trees occupying some of the pools along this stretch, which have been washed down during high flows. Although tricky to fish around at times, they create excellent cover for fish and should not be ignored.

Ideally fished with: 7-8ft, 3-4wt rod.

Rules and Regulations
  • National bye-laws must be observed and it is up to anglers to familiarise themselves with these.
  • This Beat operates a Wash-Off Policy
  • No Dogs Allowed
  • Flyfishing only
  • Catch & release for all species

Availability & Booking

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Ticket Price Info below If applicable, any booking fee will be included at Checkout
Max number of tickets per day:
Block booking price:
Winter Grayling
Full Day £13.50