This 1¼ mile section of the upper Lugg is usually at its best from mid April through to early July and then again in September. A typical treelined tributary, there are healthy populations of trout in this part of the river and good mayfly hatches. It is all double bank fishing except for the top 3 fields (600 yards), which are right bank fishing only (looking downstream). Much of the riverbank is now fenced (with barbed wire). This makes access to the river more difficult Otherwise, wading, is relatively easy over the gravel and silt riverbed.

Ideally fished with a 6½-7½ft, 2 to 4wt rod.

Rules and Regulations
  • National bye-laws must be observed and it is up to anglers to familiarise themselves with these.
  • Flyfishing only
  • 1 trout can be taken per rod
  • No Dogs Allowed