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Feedback & Reports

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R. W. from Portishead

Wednesday 13 June 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

River quite low now, some of the pools almost static. Fished pm till leaving at 7.30, saw no rises at all although assorted fly life was around. Perservered with paras and tempted 3 at 9 -11" later on, perhaps it would have been better later into the evening.

3 Trout


J. E. from New Malden

Sunday 20 May 2018 (6 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Last day of a 4 day trip. Familiar story, too little water, made this beat very challenging and hard to locate any fish. Managed 3 wbt on a size 16 olive but retired early and headed back up the M4.
Cracking 4 days, fished so many different fishing situations and tactics - the mighty Wye, wild mountain streams and that hidden away hilltop Llyn. Where else could you do that for little more than £50 and a 3 hour drive from London! Thank you WUF.

3 Trout


J. D. from Porthcawl

Saturday 23 September 2017 (7 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:2

Checking out Colonels Water booking on Irfon there was too much water flowing through for any productive fishing. In the hope of quieter flows I headed for Middle Cilieni (on my wild stream pass) where actually things were not too much better in terms of flow. Only one trout was caught, although another 2 were hooked and jumped off. Unfortunately to add to difficulties, I met a poacher coming down the beat who had spoilt the pools above the fishing hut with his spinning rod. He didn't seem to have any comprehension that he was doing something wrong and I didn't press as he didn't seem to be the type to be reasoned with!

1 Trout


R. W. from Portishead

Tuesday 29 August 2017 (7 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Much cooler today, including a cold downstream breeze to deal with. Nothing rising, but prospecting with an iron blue para in the streams and runs generated some interest. Most either splashed at the fly or unhooked themselves quickly, but I landed 4 at 9/10". Lovely stream with a wide range of challenges, will definitely return.

4 Trout


M. L. from Brecon

Monday 10 July 2017 (7 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

I fished the upper stretch from upstream of the fishing hut. Water level very low but enough water in the pools to make me wish that I had worn chest waders rather than thigh waders. Saw a lot of very small fingerling trout as well as a couple of slightly larger fish. Used a deer hair sedge pattern dry fly but I wasn't skillful enough to hook anything although I had a few 'takes'. A 6 ft 2 weight rod seemed a perfect match for the scale of the stream and its obstructions. The stream clearance I took part in last winter has made the beat more fishable but I'd advise taking along some secateurs because brambles have grown out from the bank and these tend to snag you whilst attempting to move stealthily close to the bank. Bracken has grown exuberantly on the riverside and the surrounds which makes walking and locating the various stiles a challenge. I was disappointed to discover that the owner of Glynmeddig appears to have erased the begining of the footpath from Glynmeddig to Pentrefelin. I have emailed Powys Rights of Way to express my concern.


R. W. from Portishead

Thursday 15 June 2017 (7 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Firstly many thanks to those who have worked on the stream, you can get a cast away on virtually every pool now, although I would recommend a short rod - I use a 6' one. Good flow, but little in the way of hatching flies or rises. Prospected with drab grey and olive paras. and landed 5 at 6" to 12", and missed others in the clear water. Wading on the bedrock sections is a bit tricky, but there are a great variety of pools, runs and waterfalls to explore for a long but satisfying day.

5 Trout


J. D. from Porthcawl

Saturday 15 April 2017 (7 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

On parking the temperature was down at about 10deg and there was a cold wind off the Eppynt. So, as I walked to the beat start I was wondering if I was a little early for this small stream. It was a surprise therefore to find rising fish in the first pool of the beat and after a very cautious approach I managed to tempt a notably silver 10" WBT to a winged blue dun. After this pool there were no more rising fish and neither could I tempt any up. In fact I saw no further fish.
I took a couple of hours to get to the fishing hut and walked off the beat from there and back to the car via the lanes. I counted five drowned lambs in the the stream which was a bit gruesome. I have never seen this before and wonder if the fencing needs a review?

1 Trout


P. D. from Crickhowell

Thursday 22 September 2016 (8 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

I hooked three small trout and failed to hook a larger fish. It was a delight and satisfactorily challenging to fish the upper section of this wild stream although the water level was low and the afternoon was very bright. A small amount of trimming would make the fishing even more delightful. There were many Autumn dun in evidence and a fly similar to Lunn's Particular attracted fish.

3 Trout


R. W. from Portishead

Tuesday 30 August 2016 (8 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

Agree with last report on this beat by JD of Porthcawl. The uncoppiced first half is heavily wooded, but by taking time and improvising I got a dry fly onto most of the runs and glides. Made it to the clearer section but only had time to fish a couple of runs there. Worth perservering though, started with a rust klink and then a blue dun para to land 12 at 6" to 12", all in great condition. Got nothing on the dry from the slow deep pools.

12 Trout


J. D. from Porthcawl

Monday 8 August 2016 (8 years ago)

Area:Usk - Wild Stream

Beat:Middle Cilieni

Fishing:Trout (River)

No. of Anglers:1

This beat needs a bit of clearance. From the parking I walked to bottom of Cilieni stream, started fishing about 11am and got back to the car by 3pm - only half the beat done! I probably needed a chain saw rather than a fishing rod but If you like it very wild then it is fun. With 75% pools without a viable cast, the remaining 25% are precious with stealth a priority, and this is why it took me so long. 11 trout caught on various dry. There was little rising so needed to target the fishy water but they came up. Trick on this beat is not to get too frustrated and take it very slow.

11 Trout

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